Monday, September 21, 2009

Jason Hewlett - Marching Band

My wife continues to be sick but has told me that today she is feeling a little bit better. Getting your tonsils out at 50 is something that one shouldn't do if they don't have too. It has taken her a lot longer to recover than she thought it would. I have tried to come up with meals that she both likes and is soft which the rest of us would like to eat. For the most part, I think I have done OK, but I could've and should've done better.

Thursday evening, my wife actually decided to cut some hair. She wasn't sure if she would be up to it, but she did it anyway, and didn't do too badly. That night, I watched a movie called "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". While it was a good movie, it is not a movie one wants to watch to be an upper. It is about World War II and an eight year old son of a Nazi officer making friends with an eight year old boy Jew in a concentration camp. It is about innocence and about knowledge of the world. The ending is sad, so I don't recommend it if you need a movie to make you feel good all over. It was also this night that my wife and I gave away our tickets to Charlie Jenkins (for Friday night). My wife knew she wouldn't be feeling up to going to that. I also canceled meeting with my cousin before going to that.

Friday, I mostly stayed home. I had the day off from work, so instead I mowed our lawn and took care of a few things around the house. I had already told the Scouts that I would not be going on the camp with them (I thought it would be to go to the concert, but instead I was able to stay home with my wife through her soreness), so I spent a night at home with my family. Our daughter did go to a party of one of her schoolmates. I met the mother and we let her stay out until around 10:30. She said she had fun.

Saturday was chores. I worked to get my kids to clean their rooms and the bathroom. I also did some dusting and vacuuming. My wife didn't want me to do the laundry because she wanted it done right. It was just a day that not much else was done.

Saturday evening, my daughter and I went to watch Jason Hewlett. He is a comedian who does various music artists as well as actors. My wife wasn't feeling up to going, so that's why I ended up with my daughter. We both had fun going to this, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Originally I was going to take my son because Meghan was going to be babysitting. He didn't want to go too much though and offered it up for her.

Sunday, my wife didn't feel up to going to church. The rest of us went to church, and I had to give a lesson on personal journals. I felt it was a pretty good lesson. I took in some scrap books that I have and histories of my parents, grandparents as well as great grandparents. I also took in my own personal journal. I ended up reading an entry from December 15th 2005 from that. It was a touching entry.

Today was work and I struggled with a few issues there. I did get them taken care of, and felt good about the days work. After arriving home and having a quick dinner, my wife and I went to Bingham High to see our daughter with the Marching Band. It was soon after that that I realized that I have to chaperon on Tuesday. I called Glen and told him I wouldn't be able to make it to young men tomorrow.

Well, that's about it for this past week.


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