Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Missionary Experience - Marching Band

Work went as normal today. I did call to see if my daughters Marching Band would need somebody to come out and help them with the events of the night. I was informed that they had enough chaperons, so I didn't try to get off of work early in order to do it.

Our son had done all of his calling of people for the missionary experience they were to have tonight, so we just had to go to the church and then go out and do it. There were four different groups going out. I knew my son didn't want me to go with his group, so I purposefully did not go to his group. My group went to the McDonald's house. Since we have two people in the ward with the same last name, Sister Peterson asked which one we were to go too. We went to that one. It was the wrong one. They had no idea that we were coming. They were gracious though and let us in. We had Dallin and Megan Christiansen as well as Josh Medeiros and Regan Jackson. Each of them had a part to speak to the McDonald's and each of them did their parts well. You could see some nervousness, but then, who wouldn't be nervous. It's just the way it goes sometimes. From what I hear, each of the group did well in what they had done. We had to call the other McDonald family and apologize for not showing up. That was the only bad thing that happened.

Our daughter had a Marching Band competition in Davis. She got home quite late. The itinerary said that they should be home by 11:00 PM, so I made sure to get to the school by that time. I ended up getting into the back seat of the SUV and laying down and reading a book called Manhunt on my Palm Pilot. It is about the assassination of President Lincoln and the manhunt for John Wilkes Boothe. It reads as if it were a story, but it is supposed to be factual from what I am seeing. I also got a little bit of rest. The buses finally rolled in around 11:30 and I got my daughter around 11:40. We then headed home.

She was quite excited. Bingham High got second place. That was nice that they finally beat out Orem. That was the goal. Graber had mentioned that they probably would not be able to beat TimpView this season, but the scores tonight said differently. My daughter informs me that they were only .25 points away from them. Out of a thousand points, that isn't all that far. They can get there and are hoping that on Saturday they can maybe beat TimpView. That would be great.

I need to see if I can get out of going on an Eagle project in order to go to the competition on Saturday. I don't know yet if that is the best thing to do. I will talk to my wife who is more level-headed than I am at times.


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