Sunday, October 11, 2009

Scout Camp - Little Sahara

Not a lot has happened over the past couple of days. Friday, I was off from work and my wife and I were able to go to Mark Antonys (an Italian Restaurant) to have some lunch. I had also prepared a list of things that I needed for a campout and then grabbed some other things that were good deals at the store. After lunch, I headed to the store to pick up all those items. It took a little time.

Once home, I finally decided I had better get packed for the Scout trip. This was the closest I ever came to not having everything prepared for a Scout Camp, but I did get everything together and got my tin foil dinner ready just in time. I have to admit, it was the best one I have ever made.

The drive out to the Little Sahara is about 2 hours away from where we live. We got out there in good time, and it was getting a little crowded. We were just glad that we got there when we did so we could get a decent spot for our campground. We got all set up and then made our dinners. One boy didn't bring a foil dinner because he misunderstood about the "hobo dinners". He is new to our troop and thought we were making them together. We need to tell the new people about this. Glen had a can of soup in his truck which we were able to give him. He then wandered around the table grabbing bits and pieces out of a few of the boys dinners.

I took some marshmallows to this campout and the boys seemed to enjoy that. They also talked around the campfire after they were gone. This was a first. They usually don't do that retreating to their tent instead. We're going to have to do the marshmallows more often. Another troop came over and invited our boys to come over to look in the skies and play a few games with them. They did that, while Glen, Scott and I just stayed at camp and talked around the fire. We got to bed fairly late.

Somebody at that camp was up and riding their four wheelers around 1:00 in the morning. I was grateful that I had taken earplugs. I took them out a few hours later. Three of our boys got up early so they could head home. They had games. They left by 7:00. I heard them around the camp, and got up about 6:30. I took some walks and just enjoyed the cold, crisp morning. The rest of the scouts finally got up and made breakfast. After that, they went out and played for about an hour. It took them quite awhile to take their tents down, and then we got home by 1:00 PM. It was a nice trip. It got a bit cold in the night, and I was grateful I had my long johns. I slept quite warm with those and the blanket I had (of course I am also on a cot with some memory foam).

I did a little bit around the house when I got home, but not too much. This bothered my wife quite a bit. I didn't really know what else I could've done other than what I had done. But, that's the way it goes.

Today, I went to church. The same things happened at church as normal. This evening, my kids and I had a fireside to go to that was to teach them what the missionaries do (two missionaries came to the fireside to teach), and then to put them into groups who could go out and do that in about two weeks. Of course, my daughter won't be there because she has Marching Band. Our son will be there and was given the group that wasn't at the meeting. I guess they figure he can handle that.

The Young Men presidency changed (actually we just got a new president). Bill Ashton was taken out and Greg Nielson was put in his place.

One other thing I want to mention was that on Saturday evening (while our daughter was at a stake dance) we heard on the news about the American Fork marching band who had a bus get into an accident. A teacher was killed who had tried to take the wheel of the bus after the bus driver passed out. It is sad, and there are a lot of sad people. The bus was on its side. It's amazing that there weren't any more deaths than that, though there were quite a few minor injuries. This scares us as parents, especially when our daughter will be going to California in about a month.

Well, that's about it.


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