Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Birthday Party

Today was Dee Annes' fathers birthday. I got home from work and then my wife and son left home to go over there. I stayed home so I could go pick up our daughter at school (hopefully early). It was looking pretty good. I got to the school in time to see part of the work they were doing in the Marching Band. I made sure I was seen and then watched for a bit. They are getting better. Hopefully, it will be good enough for them to win Orem high in the next competition.

Our daughter did get off early. She told me that Graber would allow her to take a music test tomorrow night instead of tonight. He had seen me there and was sure that she wasn't just making up an excuse. She did some of her homework in the car on the way over to my in-laws home.

When we arrived, most of the party was finishing dinner. We grabbed us a plate and ate as well. It was a good meal. We then enjoyed just visiting with the family. Anne had told me that facebook is supposed to be fun (she was making fun of me for putting political articles in there). I told her that I enjoyed that, and that is who I am. It was all done in fun. She had put it on my page but taken it off because she wasn't sure how I would take it. I told her that I had seen it, and that I was OK with it. I actually answered her, but I took that off as well as it didn't make sense to be there when her comment wasn't there.

We left around 8:15 so we could get our kids home so they could take showers and wind down before bed time. Of course they are up until around 10 or so.

The only other thing that happened was that I went to Young Mens last night. We ended up over at Glens house where we went over the camping merit badge (since some are about to get it). We also discussed our camping that will take place this weekend. This will be at the sand dunes which is kind of fun. Well, that's about it.


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