Thursday, October 15, 2009

Young Men/Young Women

Not too much has happened since I last wrote in here. I have not been holding Family Home Evening like I should, and last Monday was no exception. My excuse (and I realize it is just that) is that our daughter had too much homework to be done because of all the time that is being spent in Marching Band. In reality, what I need to do is to hold FHE on Sunday evenings. It is just so hard to get myself to do so.

Tuesday evening, I went to the Young Mens activity. Our daughter was at BYU doing the Marching Band thing, and I was wishing I could be there. With American Fork losing one of their band leaders the previous Friday evening it was something that the news went on and on for. American Fork modified their program to honor their teacher who they believe gave her life to help spare the rest on the bus (she tried to stop the bus from rolling). Their theme was already one that was honoring those who have given up their lives for our freedoms in this land of America. I guess it was a pretty touching tribute.

Anyway, our group of boys got together with the Beehives (the group of girls their age) and kind of had a Halloween party. They tied donuts to the ceiling and had a contest of who could eat theirs the fasted without using hands (some of them came down off the ceiling). They also took some toilet paper and dressed one of their group of four as a mummy. Then there was candy put on a blanket that they all reached in and the object was to guess what somebody else had and try to steal it (it requires some memory of what people have said). That didn't go that great. The final thing they did was to select a vampire (I did that) that nobody knew who it was and then turn out all the lights and the vampire went around killing people (they then went to the center of the room). I have no idea why the vampire wasn't to be known, but in the real version there is supposed to be a guess as to who the vampire was. They played that twice. It was kind of a boring evening to me, but the kids seemed to enjoy it. Our daughter got home really late (almost midnight) and we were just hoping she would be able to get up in the morning and be successful in her activities.

Wednesday evening I had to go over to Nelsons house for a meeting about the Young Men. He is the new Young Men leader and wants to know each of them individually. That lasted over an hour and there really wasn't much else going on.

Tonight, I spent some time on the computer coming up with some stickers to put on peoples backs so they can guess which famous person they are. This will be done on Monday night when we have the empty-Nester's over for a dinner and a couple of games. It took longer than I cared for it to take. I also got a testosterone shot today and it is really bothering me today. It has been quite painful, and I'm not sure I'll sleep well tonight.


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