Monday, October 19, 2009

Empty Nester Party

We had the Empty Nester Party tonight. I left work a little bit early to pick up a couple of last minute items and to get home because my wife had been working hard all day. People started to come over around 6:00 in the evening (that's the time we put on the invitations) and we put an actor name on the back of each of them that had to do with a Halloween type of movie or TV show. They were to ask questions to figure out who it was that was on their back. Nobody sat down. They just started to visit wherever they were standing. We also had them put on necklaces or hats just to be silly while we were in the house.

All went well. My wife had made a nice roast and the rest of the people brought salads and desserts. All was good. Our son and daughter also got to come out and eat some of the food. Everybody just visited afterward and over all, I think everyone had a good time. They weren't there very long and had a good visit.

I cleaned up what I could from the party and we will get the house back to normal.


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