Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pam Birthday

There really isn't a lot to write about. My wife and I have been working on getting the empty nesters party going that is going to be happening tomorrow evening. We went out shopping at Costco for the meat (it was too expensive there, we found it cheaper at Smiths). We got a lot of other things at Costco instead. My son showed us that the game he wants for his birthday is cheaper there than where I had already purchased it. We bought it at Costco and I took the game back to Bestbuy that we had done previously. He told us that we could give it to him today if we wanted too.

Dee Anne and I went out shopping for a couple of items at a few stores and then we got home to prepare to go to Pam's Birthday party. We met Pam and Anne at Macaroni Grille downtown. Our kids both shared a meal as did Dee Anne and I. We also got a dessert and since I had a coupon for a free appetizer we had that as well. Besides Pam and Anne, we had Kiki, Marie and Scott and Chris and Lisa (they also had their infant son Boston). It was a good dinner.

After dinner, our kids chose to go home with Pam and Anne, and my wife and I headed home as well. We didn't do much that night. We watched a movie called "The Haunting". My wife thought it was more scary than when we watched it last year on Halloween when the kids knocking on the door interrupted it repeatedly. We got to bed fairly late.

It was Stake Conference today, and we missed it. We took care of some of the things we had too for the party. When I picked up the kids at Grandmas house, I also picked up some chairs so we would have enough for those that are coming to the party. We are preparing for quite a few even though that may not happen. Our kids just call it an old folk party. My wife is concerned that we don't have enough things to do for all the people. I think we'll be fine. She prepared two roasts already for this and will be starting the next two roasts up at around 1:00 AM tonight. We did find out that the stove has an automatic turn off feature at 12 hours. At least we didn't beat the kids before finding out that they didn't turn off the stove (kidding).

Anyway, it's been a busy day and we didn't do what we should've today (resting). One thing that happened was that our son was called and told he needed to find a family the young men and young women in his group could go to to teach a missionary discussion. He came up with a family, but they will have to let him know tomorrow if that will work or not. Our son absolutely does not want to do this. We had a discussion about responsibility and I told him that if he doesn't want to do it he needs to express that to the Young Men leader. He didn't want to do that either. I understand some of his complaints, but was letting him know how things are in the church. We don't always want the responsibilities placed on us from the church, but by accepting callings (and he has) we kind of have already said yes. We can still say no, but we have to be responsible for our actions. I don't know what I got through to him or didn't, but he did go through and call those in his group that he could get hold of, and will work on some other things as a leader tomorrow. I did remind him that he is the leader of his group and could assign what he saw fit to others. It will be interesting to see how this works out (or doesn't) for him.


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