Monday, November 09, 2009

H1N1 - Healthcare and other things

It's been a bit since I last wrote. Since I am getting older, it is hard for me to remember everything, so I'll just put in bits and pieces of what's been happening in my life.

Last Tuesday for Young Men, we met at the Thornes house and planned out what we would be doing over this next year. Then there was some Peach Cobbler (Dutch Oven) and sweet rolls when they finished. It was fattening, but boy was it ever good. Of course our daughter had to get some things together so she could go on the Marching Band tour for the Orange Classic in Riverside California. She did all that fine and left on Wednesday evening. Both my wife and I dropped her off. It is hard to see your youngest daughter off and it was even harder on my wife. We got through it though (none worse for the wear). I do think it is harder to let a daughter go out on her own than it is to let a son go out on his own. I don't know why we are more protective of our daughters than our sons, but it is the way it is.

With our daughter gone, we really didn't do too much. I took Friday off of work and did a little bit of painting on our outside doors so the winter weather hopefully will not destroy our wood. Of course, my wife has been after me to do this for awhile. We also had a nice lunch together at Kneaders.

A little later we had Pam come to our house because I had gotten an extra H1N1 (Swine flu) shot, so Pam was able to get hers. Right now they are only doing high risk people which is from ages 6 months to 24, or older people with other health issues (my asthma and my wifes qualify us). This has been something that has really scared my wife and she has wanted us to get it before the holidays. Now, we only had to get one more for our daughter. I had gotten mine on Thursday on my way home.

On Friday, we had two guys from an alarm company come to sell us their alarm system. We let them in. We actually considered getting it and had told him to come back while we had time to think about it. We signed the papers and then came to a realization that it didn't come with everything we had thought. At first that was going to cost extra and we didn't want to pay the extra. We saw the frustration in the guys face and he expressed it a bit. That was getting to unprofessional behavior which finally had us not update our existing system. He left our home quite perturbed with us. My wife was mad at me because I didn't stand up to him for her, and she thought she came out looking like the bad guy. I didn't quite know where to turn and I guess I hadn't done what was my responsibility. It caused some contention in our home. We are upset about that.

Time moved on. I was able to play on the Wii with my son a little bit over this week. We have been having some fun with the Wii Sports Resort. I can even win him on some of the games on there which is a big surprise.

Saturday, there was a few chores to be done around the home. It wasn't real hard, but we got a few things done. Saturday night (really late) there was a vote in the House about the Health care bill. I didn't know what the outcome was before going to bed, but have decided that I am probably too much involved in this problem because I woke up three or four times in the night with a nightmare that it had passed (this bill does scare me). Of course, my nightmare turned out to be true. One of the things that helped it pass was that the Republicans added to the bill that no federal money could go toward abortions making abortion harder under the health care bill. That is what pushed just enough Democrats over to pass the bill. Now the Senate is going to have to debate it and pass it (I hope it doesn't). One problem that they will have is that there was already fighting going on over a public option (government run) and now they have to contend with the Abortion issue which, in my opinion, will take top priority. I really don't think it will pass the way it is, and I hope I am right. Don't get me wrong. I think we need health care reform, I just don't believe this is the answer. So, in essence I am now living my nightmare.

We went to church on Sunday and a few minutes into it, our daughter called and told us that we needed to get to the school to pick her up. My wife and I hurried over there and then waited for about 20 minutes for the buses to actually show up. Our daughter is now safely home and we don't have to worry about her so much. We let her stay home and went back to Sacrament meeting. After that, both of our kids got their six month interview with the bishop and he also interviewed them for their Patriarchal blessing. Now, we just need to wait for him to get a signature from the stake president and we can arrange with my father to get them their Patriarchal Blessings. I guess I need to let my dad know about this.

Today, I was able to call and secure an appointment for our daughter to get her shot. When we told her about it tonight, she was upset, but I told her that she was going to get it. She probably won't be happy with me, but that's the way it goes sometimes. I am not her father out of popularity. Well, that's it for now.


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