Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Jordan School District

Once again, it's been a little bit since I last wrote anything. One of these days I'm going to have all the time in the world to write here (yeah, right).

I have been extremely busy at work trying to get some files loaded to the Pinnacle server in Oregon. It's on a different database, and I have had my struggles with that. Finally, in the last couple of days there have been some breakthroughs. I thought I was there, but there is one final obstacle. I still don't know how I am going to get over that obstacle. I'm going to have to just work on it and see what happens. Hopefully, I'll get there by tomorrow. If I do, I can take Friday off.

There really isn't too much to talk about from what I have done this whole week. Friday, I went with my work (after working part of the day) to play golf. It was 18 holes, and I enjoyed my time. It's a good thing they don't expect us to be very good. I was tired by the end of the day on that one. At the end, we had drawings. I took home candles, a shirt, and a movie (Wild Hogs) that I traded a gift certificate to the golf shop for. Thank goodness he was willing to trade, it made it more worthwhile for me.

Saturday was just a day that we stayed home. My wife wanted to go somewhere, but by the time I got around to an idea, she was upset with me for not coming up with it sooner. We didn't go anywhere.

Sunday was the normal church meetings, but then we had to take our daughter to a fireside that was for Young Women. They mostly discussed purity with them. They will be talking to the Young Men next week about the same thing, presumably.

Tuesday, my kids got to go water skiing with the Young Men/Young Women. They had quite a bit of fun. I went to a Jordan District council hearing. It was about the raise they have decided to give themselves. The state had previously limited them to making $3000 a year. In July the state made it possible for them to come up with a different salary. They immediately did and gave themselves a $9000 raise, so they would pull in $12,000. Along with that, they wanted to have an opt out option for this part time job of insurance (which is 100% paid for) which would give them almost $17,500. Then, they wanted to get the Consumer Price Index each year and get an automatic increase each year based on that. For this year the total with the opt out option would give them just under $30,000. This of course is outrageous, and people (particular teachers in the district) were furious. In this meeting they were going to decide whether or not to drop the opt-out and the CPI. Two different motions were made, one to drop both, and the other to drop just the opt-out option.

The public was invited to speak, and during that, one of the members of the council (Cowdell) made a few comments that I found to be inappropriate. He had talked before the public was invited too and during both of those times I found him to be a cocky, arrogant person. He is one that I believe needs to be voted out. His whole demeanor was awful.

Anyway, the anger of teachers was apparent at this meeting. It was just in the last little while that the teachers lost a good retirement package, and so much has been asked of them as far as benefits. Plus, the teachers have tried for years to get the CPI to give them raises to keep up with the cost of living. They also would like to have a free package to give them insurance, and have asked to be able to opt out of insurance for those that wanted too. Of course the council has consistently denied them these things.

In the long run, they voted to drop both of those but kept the $9000 raise. With the seven council members, I guess that comes to an extra $63,000 for them to be paid. I guess that is not too terribly bad. With the almost $30,000 that would be more than full time teachers (at the starting level) would be paid, and theirs is only a part time job. In my opinion the public won more than they lost, but there is the loss.

After I got home that night, my wife told me that a girl was door to door selling some educational stuff. She told her to come back when I was home. She did come finally around 9:00 that evening. I bought some software from her that should hopefully help my kids. We bought the SkillBuilder set which included Algebra 1 and 2, Ten languages, Science, a student writing center and printshop (however printshop wasn't in the package and instead was replaced with clipart (I am going to write and ask about that). It cost us $50. I didn't think that was too bad.

Well, that is the end of that day.

Today after both a great day at work and a frustrating day (because of what was found out) we went to the wedding reception of Cosi and Tobias. It was a wedding that we went to last month and this if their reception after coming back to Utah from Italy. We had a good time there, and then helped them clean up afterward.


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