Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter

I worked all day on issues at work. In some ways I felt that a lot was accomplished and in other ways very little. I am having problems with fitting into the time-line that we need to fit into for our conversion test. I'll just have to wait and see what happens there.

My wife called me at work and asked if I could get one more ticket to the Harry Potter movie in the same theater that we are seeing it in. I called back and found that if I could get more than one that would be nice. I found three seats together, so, I purchased them and made it so Zach, Pam and Anne could all come to the movies with us.

When I arrived home, the new phones were there, so I unpacked them and started charging them up. I noted that both were "gold" rather than one gold and one black as I ordered. The reason I say gold is because they really look more silver than they look gold. Oh well, we'll think of something to tell the two apart.

We left our home around 6:30 to get our tickets (it is reserved seating) and then sat down and had hot dogs and other junk food at the theater. The movie started at 7:30 and went until 10:00. I thought it to be an enjoyable movie, and it kept our attention. My son pointed out that they had left a part out of the movie that was in the book, and that was the book has Ron Weasley trying out for the Quidditch team. I guess they decided that was adding too much time to the movie to include it.

After we all arrived home I went to get gas in the SUV. I had an anxious moment when I couldn't find my credit card in my wallet that I had used to get the movie tickets. It ended up being tucked in my pants pocket along with my Palm Pilot so I didn't realize it was there. I was thinking of the cancellation that I would have to do, and was a bit nervous for five minutes (which seemed longer than that when you're panicking).

Soon after I got home, Pam and Anne left and I called to get the phones activated. After you call the number they give you, you have to turn off the phones for 20 minutes and then it takes 5 more minutes after you turn them on before they are ready.

My wife wanted me to talk to Zach about blessings within our church, and I was having a hard time trying to figure out which aspect she wanted me to talk to him about and if it was a specific type of blessing. Anyway, we started there and he asked a lot of questions about the beliefs of the LDS church. It was a pretty good conversation.

At around 11:15 he decided that he should call his grandparents (who have been his guardians all these years) and wanted to use our cell phone because of the long distance of the call. He then called his girlfriend in Reno and is still talking on the phone now. There was still more to talk about, and I am sure we will talk a bit more as he comes here to Utah for his education in August.


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