Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Frustration with AT&T

This morning, I called AT&T to see about my phone order. I spent about half an hour on the phone with a lady there. She told me that it looked like the phones we had ordered were back ordered, then, when she looked closer, they were not only back ordered, but they were not going to be receiving any more of that kind of phone. She was apologetic and said that we should've been called about this issue. Since this had happened she is going to waive all fees (particularly the having to spend $36 for activation on one of the phones) and she is going to overnight two phones to my home. The two phones I am getting are better than the ones I was going to get, and they are phones that you should have to pay $50 in order to receive them with this damnable two year agreement. She can knock off $25 immediately, and the other $25 on each phone she will make a credit to our account. It was a pain, but we they are trying to make it up to us. I just can't believe that they didn't call us up when they knew this was an issue. Well, at least I won't have to pay that stupid activation fee.

Work is getting a bit busy as we are gearing up for another test coming from Pinnacle. Hopefully, we can get everything in place for that. It is better to be busy than to have to look for things to do around the office.

Tonight, my kids went to the church for Young Men/Young Women. Janine McIntosh came over to our house to get her hair done. I talked with her and with my wife for most of the evening both during the procedure and after. She was telling us about her one daughter and the boy that she will probably marry. We have talked about it all before, but from what she was saying, it would make me nervous if my daughter were to marry under the same circumstances (not that a parent has any control over that), but it didn't seem that she shared the same issues as I do (she, of course, knows her daughter better than us).

My wife and I went for a nice walk tonight.


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