Saturday, June 16, 2007

Family Reunion

Not too much has gone on in this week. That gate that we have has a problem still. Some of the hardware hits together making it difficult to open. I have made calls to the company, but so far have heard nothing from them. It's like my wife says, once you pay them, they are done with you. It really ticks me off because I thought Vinyl Industries would be better than this. They claimed they were.

Really, the first thing of note for this week was Friday evening. I took our daughter over to one of the ward members (well, our old ward) house so that she could be with all the Young Women when they went on a walk to prepare for the Trek that happens next week. If they were 14 or older, they were supposed to wear clothes that would fit the 1840's era and women pioneers. My daughter was happy that she didn't have to dress up that way, and who could really blame her for that.

With her gone, we went out to my Father-in-laws house because we had some chocolate covered strawberries and raspberries to give him for Fathers Day. We knew we couldn't get them on Saturday and so our time was limited and they really need to be delivered fresh. We just spent a little bit of time there and then came on home. We also had spent a little bit of time getting things ready for the family reunion that was to take place the next day.

This morning came, and after getting a few things ready, I went and picked up our daughter. She, of course, needed to shower and get ready. Being a girl it took her some time to do that. Anyway, we left our home too early. We got to the gate of my uncles cabin at 9:30 (they weren't supposed to be there until 10:00). Luckily, my cousin, Don, was going in the gate at the time of our arrival. I just followed them up. Of course, they were surprised to see me there so early. My wife had stayed home and told me she would be coming up at the 2:00 time.

I talked with a few of my cousins up there and had a good time before everybody else arrived. I don't know why, but the wife of one of my cousins (I can't put names here) told me all about her prescription drug addiction that she is working on overcoming. It was interesting talking to her about this. She said it is even harder because her husband is the bishop of the ward, and she is a bit uncomfortable with all of that. She is currently finishing up group therapy, and getting ready to get on the 12 step program to help her out in this. She talked of what has been destroyed by her dependence, and her wanting to make things as right as she can. In this, I wish her luck.

There was more talking with people and then lunch time came. Of course, after eating there is volleyball and basketball and all kinds of activities. I went and played volleyball. My mom was really out of form, and that was sad to see. She has always been good at volleyball, but it seems that her age is finally starting to catch up with her. She did terrible for who she is, but did wonderful for a 77 year old lady. It was discouraging to me though watching some of the deterioration of a person as they age.

My wife came up while we were playing volleyball, and she talked with a few people while watching some of the other things that were taking place. When some more of my cousins showed up, I was able to talk with them as well. I particularly needed to catch up with what is going on with Kurt (who is about my age). He is enjoying his job at Wendys as a manager working in Ohio. I guess he is a bit concerned about his job because Wendys isn't doing so well at the moment. They may be selling out to new management, which he feels may put his job in jeopardy. I certainly wish him well.

We played some basketball, and being old, I kind of wore myself out. Later, I went up and talked with Mick and my wife. Mark joined us. Mark is hard to understand. Around16 years ago he was in an accident and is in a wheel chair because of this. He also has a hard time with his speech although he is still witty and charming. My wife thinks she frustrated him to the point of tears because she couldn't understand what he was saying at one point. She felt lousy about that. There really wasn't too much to do about it though.

Well, dinner came along and then there was a small program. Chris's string broke on his guitar on a song he had written. He was playing along with Adam. They had Adam play his violin (he makes his own violins) while he was turning two hula-hoops. One fell near the end, but other than that he did well. There were a few odd jokes (and I do mean odd), and then my brother got up and told us all about a CD that he made for each grandchild of my grandparents that has their voices on from some old 78 records that he found. They were voice recordings from 1949 (just a bit before my time). He also put other songs on of the time period that he thought may be fun to have on a CD. I thought this was really a neat thing to have.

After a long night, we all went home. My wife and I made sure to stay together because she has a hard time traveling at night.


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