Sunday, June 10, 2007

Just Stuff.

It's been a fairly normal week for me. On Thursday, the fence people finally brought our gate. Unfortunately, there was a big dent in it. They tried to fix it with glue and by filing it down, but that wasn't going to go. They told me that they would be out to our house on Friday afternoon with the new and improved gate. This was a bit frustrating as we were hoping to have this whole thing all finished.

On Friday, I was home from work. My wife went out to run a few errands and buy a few things for a baby shower. It's a terrible thing sending your wife to a store for a few things. She came back home with over $200 worth of things. They were all on $ale. Well, she actually bought some things that she has been wanting, and we should be able to handle this one.

The gate came back and was installed at our home. It finally looks good, and the workmanship seems to be great. It's too bad we had so many difficulties with the final product.

Saturday, my wife and daughter went to my nieces house for the baby shower of another niece. While they were there, my son and I did some cleaning up of the house and took care of a few odds and ends. Thankfully, before my daughter left for this she had helped with the mowing of the lawn and a few other things like that.

Around 1:30 in the afternoon, I received a phone call from my wife telling me that she was going to Liberty Park because that was where Pam and Anne were. We arranged to meet them. It took a little bit to get there, but we had a good time out in the park. On the way home, we stopped at Wingers for dinner. That is my wifes new favorite place to eat.

I woke up early this morning. My son and I were supposed to go to a stake priesthood meeting at 7:00 AM. As it was, I was dragging. I went into my sons room and asked him if he was going. He told me he didn't know a couple of times. I went and showered just in case he wanted to go. He didn't. I went back to bed as I was more tired than normal. My son came in later and told me that he was getting ready to go to a leadership meeting (that started at 8:00). He also had BYC this morning and I thought that was a lot of meetings for a 15 year old, especially when you add on the 3 hour block and then after that he had a presidency meeting. Poor kid.

My wife wasn't feeling too well today. We didn't really do anything else of note.


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