Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Marching Band

Nothing much was going on at work. I had to take care of some of the end of month stuff and it took awhile to get all the information that I needed. It is frustrating to me that Gallegher Bassett is taking longer and longer to get the information to us.

I left work early so I could get my daughter to the Orthodontist. My wife usually takes care of this, but with the car pool and picking up the children she couldn't do it all. The Orthodontist told me that one of her teeth is starting to come down on its own (there was concern that we would have to have another surgery) and that once it was down there is just a few other minor things to fix up. I asked if this was the most difficult case he had ever seen and he told me that it was one of two of the hardest that he has ever had to work with. It has been expensive, so it is good that it all seems to be working out.

Arriving home, my daughter started to play with her new camera. She seems to be enjoying it quite a bit. Later, I took my son to Bingham High School so we could get some information about the Marching Band. It sounds like they are doing quite a bit, but I kept on hearing cash registers ringing throughout. It could be a lot more than this, but it is still a lot. Since my son is new to this and with everything it is going to cost us around $700. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have to be brought out so soon. They will try to defray costs a bit with some fund raisers. I certainly hope this is the case because we are going to need it. I need to check to see if I can make some payments to get it all in.

My wifes back was out of place for most of the day today. She was really in pain, and I wish I could do something more to help her out with that. I tried what I could do by stretching her and massaging her, but none of that seems to have helped us.

I watched a small part of "The Mormons", but it didn't seem as good as last nights to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

9:39 AM  

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