Vegas Trip
Well, I have to go back and try to figure out various things that happened during the last week and a half.
Friday the 18th was my normal day off and was spent in taking care of odds and ends that needed to be taken care of before we left on our trip. The next day we had our kids do some heavier cleaning than normal and we also helped out in this area. My wife wants things to be ready in case others besides her mother would be staying at our house during the week that we are gone. It was also hoped that the house would be somewhat clean when we arrived home later (it was). I then took the kids over to Pam and Annes home, where they would have a party that night and then be driven back home on Sunday when Grandma would be there.
Sunday morning we got up early and got ready to leave. We were out of the house by 8:00 AM and heading to Las Vegas in our SUV. It was a pleasant trip. Not too hot, not too cold. Not very much traffic. Of course, then the one incident happened. We were in Cedar City, and found out that the doors to the SUV can be locked from the passengers side of the car while the keys are in the ignition. When we realized this, of course, it was too late. We tried to call a couple of lock smiths, but they weren't answering their phones. We next called the police who told us to call a towing company who could probably do it. A few minutes later, and $60 later, we were in our SUV with a scratch on the window tinting. Not too much we could do about it now. We continued our trip and had a nice lunch in St. George.
Once in Vegas, we were asked if we would be willing to go to the Rio rather than Caesars Palace for the first night. They were offering an incentive of a free nights stay. Since work was paying for it, that wasn't much of an incentive and I am glad that we didn't do it as it would've been a bit difficult. I registered for the IBI conference and tried to get hold of the others down there to go to dinner. We missed them all somehow, and ended up going to the Cheesecake factory for dinner. It was a wonderful dinner that we were able to share. We saw the whole group watching the statues in Caesars Palace and then a little bit later we saw them outside by the fountains of the Bellagio.
Monday morning came too early and I was off to breakfast. I put some of the breakfast in a bag so I could take it up to my wife. I did this each morning of the conference as it would save us a couple of bucks plus she didn't want to go out to eat without having somebody else there. The first part of the conference was a real waste of time. I couldn't believe they had us sit through a three hour presentation. It was painful. For the rest of the week, I would be going to classes on things that I chose. Some of those were good and some were really bad.
Monday evening, we headed out to the Magruders house. We picked up our twin nephews and went to Kilroys for dinner. We had some good talking with them and then took them on home when we went to talk with Alan and Libby. It was a nice evening sitting out in their back yard and just talking with them.
There was more of the same on Tuesday and Wednesday as far as classes go. They didn't offer enough legal caffeine during any of the times so I had to learn to take my own caffeine to class just to make it through the time. After the conference my wife and I just wandered around the strip (not too far from Caesars Palace) and just enjoyed some of the things going on there. We had a buffet in the Paris (which was quite good) and then on Wednesday evening we ate again at the Cheesecake factory.
Thursday morning, after breakfast (supplied by the conference) we got ready to leave and left by 11:00 AM. We found our way out of Vegas without too many difficulties, although we did end up in a bad part of town for while we filled up with gas. We went to St George where we had reservations in the Ramada Inn there. The rooms seemed to be like staying in your grandmothers house. It wasn't too bad, just not as good as we had hoped for. Thursday evening my wife had a major migraine. The rest of the time there was fun.
We mostly did shopping in St. George. We even went to the Deseret Industries to get some things we needed for our son and his Pioneer Trek that he will be going on in June. We didn't lose any money in Vegas, we lost it all in St George in the shopping spree. But, we had fun. We also saw Pirates of the Carribean while we were there. It was a new release and we were shocked to be able to get into it.
We had about five hours of traveling on Saturday to make it home. Once we were home we did a bit of relaxing before going to my mother-in-laws to pick up the kids. I was also disappointed a bit with the fence posts that went in while we were away. The kids were not at Grandmas house when we got there. They had gone out with Pam and Steve (he came in from Florida) to watch the Pirate show. We did a bit of visiting and then headed on home.
Sunday, we had church. After that, we headed out to the Wachs home again so we could have a nice dinner and visit with Steve before he went home on Monday. My wife took her hair cutting stuff and felt that her family totally took advantage of her this time. She did three hair cuts and didn't receive any kind of renumeration. I guess she did get a massage out of it, but she didn't feel that she was paid for her services. This isn't like her family at all, but it did happen this time.
Monday was memorial day. This is the day that last year we buried my brother. As a family, we went to see Shrek the third. It was an OK show. I had hoped that it would be better than it was. It was the worst out of the three shows (the other two were good). We also got my son another airsoft gun. He's happy with that.
I woke up Tuesday around 2:00 AM. I was feeling quite ill and called in sick to work around 7:30. I felt awful all day long. I was throwing up and having diarrhea all at the same time. That made for a mess. I stayed in my room the entire day and didn't feel like doing anything at all. I slept the whole day away (at least when I wasn't doing any puking or crapping). By tonight, I was feeling a bit better although I feel quite worn out. I'll probably be going to work tomorrow. For now, I need to get to bed.
Friday the 18th was my normal day off and was spent in taking care of odds and ends that needed to be taken care of before we left on our trip. The next day we had our kids do some heavier cleaning than normal and we also helped out in this area. My wife wants things to be ready in case others besides her mother would be staying at our house during the week that we are gone. It was also hoped that the house would be somewhat clean when we arrived home later (it was). I then took the kids over to Pam and Annes home, where they would have a party that night and then be driven back home on Sunday when Grandma would be there.
Sunday morning we got up early and got ready to leave. We were out of the house by 8:00 AM and heading to Las Vegas in our SUV. It was a pleasant trip. Not too hot, not too cold. Not very much traffic. Of course, then the one incident happened. We were in Cedar City, and found out that the doors to the SUV can be locked from the passengers side of the car while the keys are in the ignition. When we realized this, of course, it was too late. We tried to call a couple of lock smiths, but they weren't answering their phones. We next called the police who told us to call a towing company who could probably do it. A few minutes later, and $60 later, we were in our SUV with a scratch on the window tinting. Not too much we could do about it now. We continued our trip and had a nice lunch in St. George.
Once in Vegas, we were asked if we would be willing to go to the Rio rather than Caesars Palace for the first night. They were offering an incentive of a free nights stay. Since work was paying for it, that wasn't much of an incentive and I am glad that we didn't do it as it would've been a bit difficult. I registered for the IBI conference and tried to get hold of the others down there to go to dinner. We missed them all somehow, and ended up going to the Cheesecake factory for dinner. It was a wonderful dinner that we were able to share. We saw the whole group watching the statues in Caesars Palace and then a little bit later we saw them outside by the fountains of the Bellagio.
Monday morning came too early and I was off to breakfast. I put some of the breakfast in a bag so I could take it up to my wife. I did this each morning of the conference as it would save us a couple of bucks plus she didn't want to go out to eat without having somebody else there. The first part of the conference was a real waste of time. I couldn't believe they had us sit through a three hour presentation. It was painful. For the rest of the week, I would be going to classes on things that I chose. Some of those were good and some were really bad.
Monday evening, we headed out to the Magruders house. We picked up our twin nephews and went to Kilroys for dinner. We had some good talking with them and then took them on home when we went to talk with Alan and Libby. It was a nice evening sitting out in their back yard and just talking with them.
There was more of the same on Tuesday and Wednesday as far as classes go. They didn't offer enough legal caffeine during any of the times so I had to learn to take my own caffeine to class just to make it through the time. After the conference my wife and I just wandered around the strip (not too far from Caesars Palace) and just enjoyed some of the things going on there. We had a buffet in the Paris (which was quite good) and then on Wednesday evening we ate again at the Cheesecake factory.
Thursday morning, after breakfast (supplied by the conference) we got ready to leave and left by 11:00 AM. We found our way out of Vegas without too many difficulties, although we did end up in a bad part of town for while we filled up with gas. We went to St George where we had reservations in the Ramada Inn there. The rooms seemed to be like staying in your grandmothers house. It wasn't too bad, just not as good as we had hoped for. Thursday evening my wife had a major migraine. The rest of the time there was fun.
We mostly did shopping in St. George. We even went to the Deseret Industries to get some things we needed for our son and his Pioneer Trek that he will be going on in June. We didn't lose any money in Vegas, we lost it all in St George in the shopping spree. But, we had fun. We also saw Pirates of the Carribean while we were there. It was a new release and we were shocked to be able to get into it.
We had about five hours of traveling on Saturday to make it home. Once we were home we did a bit of relaxing before going to my mother-in-laws to pick up the kids. I was also disappointed a bit with the fence posts that went in while we were away. The kids were not at Grandmas house when we got there. They had gone out with Pam and Steve (he came in from Florida) to watch the Pirate show. We did a bit of visiting and then headed on home.
Sunday, we had church. After that, we headed out to the Wachs home again so we could have a nice dinner and visit with Steve before he went home on Monday. My wife took her hair cutting stuff and felt that her family totally took advantage of her this time. She did three hair cuts and didn't receive any kind of renumeration. I guess she did get a massage out of it, but she didn't feel that she was paid for her services. This isn't like her family at all, but it did happen this time.
Monday was memorial day. This is the day that last year we buried my brother. As a family, we went to see Shrek the third. It was an OK show. I had hoped that it would be better than it was. It was the worst out of the three shows (the other two were good). We also got my son another airsoft gun. He's happy with that.
I woke up Tuesday around 2:00 AM. I was feeling quite ill and called in sick to work around 7:30. I felt awful all day long. I was throwing up and having diarrhea all at the same time. That made for a mess. I stayed in my room the entire day and didn't feel like doing anything at all. I slept the whole day away (at least when I wasn't doing any puking or crapping). By tonight, I was feeling a bit better although I feel quite worn out. I'll probably be going to work tomorrow. For now, I need to get to bed.
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