Sunday, May 06, 2007


I took the day off at work so I could go to my Nephews wedding at the Bountiful Temple. My wife and I had a nice drive up there although it was dark and cloudy.

The ceremony went along just great. They got a really good temple sealer that gave them some great advice and also mentioned that they would help both a boy and a girl in their total gospel search. The way it was worded could either be their own children or those of others. It wasn't specific enough to tell. But, he did have a good sense of humor and was enjoyable to listen too.

At the end the sealer let the one side go to greet the couple. My mother turned to my wife when they were almost done so the line could keep on moving. We stood up and headed over and the sealer stopped us and told us to sit down. He had not told us to get up yet. I jokingly commented that I was just being obedient to my mother and he jokingly told her off as well. And for our crime of getting up before we were supposed too, my brother on the other end would go first with us following.

It was cold outside. People were all out there freezing waiting for the pictures. A person from her side of the family said that they should be allowed to get family pictures first because she was cold and our family was bigger and would take longer. We found that a bit humorous, though not too, because it was so cold.

Pictures were all over, and we found that my family was going to go to a restaurant in Provo at 3:00. This wouldn't work for my wife and I as we needed to pick up our kids from school at that time. It was a spur of the moment thing because when a wedding breakfast was created by Karen (my neice - and Alans sister) the mother of the bride didn't want to go to a Mexican Restaurant because that would give her bad breath for the rest of the guests.

The rain started coming down about the time I had to pick up my kids and just kept on coming. We left our house around 3:30 to head to Payson for the reception at a church. We left early so we could get something to eat in Orem or Provo before we got there. We ended up at Mimis Cafe. We had a great dinner. We then headed to Payson.

The reception was quite good. It was in the LDS cultural hall and very simple, but good. We found out that the simplicity was because the mother of the bride didn't want to help out her daughter because she hadn't been given any help for her wedding. The same thing on the dress. It seems if her daughter would not shop in Payson for it, she would not help her in that (Aleca was going to BYU). Also, Aleca had to have all of her stuff out of the house before she married Alan (this wedding sounds like it is off to a good start). Anyway, my family helped to set up the wedding (I didn't help with this because we got there a little later than we had anticipated) and it was our family that stayed to clean it up. Near the end of the clean up we got a little bit of help from her side. My understanding is that Alan also got in a fight with his mother-in-law-to-be the night before all of this. Makes one wonder what that is all about. Also, the mother of the bride has made her daughter feel guilty because she had to give her $1500 for the wedding that was set aside to remodel her kitchen. What makes me wonder about all of this, is why they don't even take into consideration that the other side (my side) is dealing with the death of Alan's father just last year. It is a widow that is putting out some of the money for all of this as well. Plus she gets to put on a reception in North Carolina. Anyway, I guess it isn't my place to complain. Rather, my place is to be the best person I can be no matter what the other people are acting like.

On the way home from Payson, we got a rock chip in our windsheild. That is so maddening. I'll have to put another $20 into fixing that. Hopefully, it won't spread before I can get the vehicle in.

Saturday morning, my wife and I went for our session with the marriage counselor. Not too much happened there. He thinks we are doing pretty good and can wait for a month till we see him again. We will also start going to the marriage seminar that they are holding for about five or six weeks.

On the way home we checked our voice mail and found that my sister-in-law had called so we could get my son to Spider Man 3 with his cousins. We had to hurry home to get him in time. We were told that the movie they were seeing was at Thanksgiving Point. As we were driving him there, we were told that it had been changed to American Fork. Anyway, we got him there in time. We then took my daughter shopping for clothes with the money she had received from her birthday last week. I also purchased a weed whacker for me (this will be my Fathers Day gift). It was a cold blustery day. My wife and I were hoping for some down time together but that didn't happen.

Not much happened today. I did take some lists to church to try and get the Adult Dinner groups going again in our ward. About 25 couples have signed up. I guess we'll have to do the same thing next week to see if anybody else wants in.


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