Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sitting on the Fence

I know! I was glad that all was going well with the fence the last time I wrote. Currently, that is not there, but at least I think we have come to a consensus and the problem I have will be fixed.

Last Thursday, I received a call from my wife telling me that the guys doing the fence had moved one side of the gate down about an inch and that it looked awful. She had tried to talk to them, but was having some trouble. Would I talk to them? I told her yes. I started to talk with the foreman of the job and was told that the solution we had the day before on the gap in the gate wasn't going to work out at all. It was going to look terrible. He started in on telling me about the slope of my driveway at the point that the gate is. I didn't get that far when my wife got back on the phone and thought she would be able to handle it. Before the phone was hung up, I heard my wife telling them that they could leave the 3 inch gap. I heard Jade (the foreman) say that this isn't what your husband said. The phone went dead, and I had to find out what had happened.

I waited for a little while and then my wife gave me another call. she was upset because she felt that Jade was trying to work us against each other. He was telling her that I would be mad about the 3 inch gap that she was telling them to go ahead and not worry about. He also went into some fault finding saying that since we weren't home at the time they placed the posts, it was all our fault. All because my mother-in-law was there instead of us. From my wifes perspective, Jade was too hyped up on caffeine at the time she was talking with him. I guess it got a bit out of control. She didn't know what to do, and asked if I could call out to a supervisor out at Vinyl Industries. I did so. I talked with a guy by the name of Nate who said that he would go out and take a look at what had been done and try to see what kind of resolution needed to take place. I called back and told her to tell them not to touch anything, but was too late. They had already taken the gate down. After some consideration, I decided I had better leave work and get home to see what was going on.

Of course, by the time I got home, they were packing up. Our gate was not on, and was on their truck. I went in and talked with my wife and then we went outside. The blame game seemed to be over (I wondered if it was because Nate had talked with them) and they told me that they would fix the gate to the slope of the driveway (this was what I was after in the first place though initially I did not understand that). I pointed out to him that I had asked that there not be a three inch gap on the one side while the other was at less than 2 inches. It was him that had told me they could put on a filler to take care of that and I told them that was acceptable. That was as far as our conversation had gone. He was done saying that my wife and I couldn't agree with anything, and realized that I had not been given all the options when I made my decision. He, however, then tried to put some blame on me because I had told them to call me at work if there were any issues since my wife would not be home when they were working on it. He said he had called my work and that I had forwarded my work phone to my home phone. I told him that I have never done that. He must've called my home phone. He had the proof in his call log on his phone. Sure enough, he called my home phone. My wife was glad I called him on that one because it was just another way of putting blame on us. My wife gave them a lecture about listening to what the client (us) want. They were uncomfortable with that. Anyway, we were told that they would take the gate in, get it fixed to the slope of our land and then they would put it on again. My wife was a bit upset because this means that we won't have a gate on there until they get back. They should get it back to us sooner than later, as we have the final payment on the fence and they won't get paid until that final payment is in the hands of Vinyl Industries. They are concerned of losing some money on our job, but that really isn't our fault (at least the way I see it).

Well, these things too, shall pass.

I still wasn't feeling completely well from the flu bug (or whatever it is that was plaguing me) but thought that was handled pretty well. Since I was home, we both went to pick up the kids from the school and used the time to talk. We had a good talk.

Friday, I came really close to calling in sick again. I didn't though, and it was a good thing that I hadn't. I came into a mess at work. The whole process had died. I had to get the servers restarted and then after all that was up, had to get my stuff run. That took some effort, but we got it all done in a fairly timely manner. There was then all the monthly stuff that needed to be run.

Saturday came along and I headed to the store to pick up a few grocery items. After arriving home, and finding that the kids were done with their chores we had decided that today we could take the kids out to the Daybreak community lake and see about kayaking there in Pam and Annes kayaks. We only blew one up so the kids could do it. We had some lunch and then went there. It was hot out there. We just had the kids kayak and enjoy their time. They didn't stay out on the lake too long, and then we decided to come home. I put the kayak upside down on the top of our SUV and that was a mistake. The wind picked up underneath it, and it was standing straight up at the point that the rope was holding it. We had to pull over and take care of that. At least it wasn't something major.

We didn't do too much else on Saturday. I picked up a few videos and then I watched The Work and the Glory III. It was pretty good (not great). It's too bad they are not going to finish out this work. I think it would be good to see the films just because of the church history that is mixed in with it all.

This morning I had to go to a PPI. I was to be at the church at 10:45. My son was supposed to be with me, but he had to collect fast offerings. While I was waiting for my turn, my son showed up and asked if he had to stay (he hates meetings). I told him that I didn't think it was necessary for him to stay and that I would take care of it all. He was grateful to go home. It wasn't too bad.

A little later we were called so that my daughter could go to an interview with a member of the bishopric. She was called to be the second counselor in the Beehives. That went OK with her, but she thinks she should be the First Counselor.

After church was over, we came home and had some dinner and then decided to go see my father-in-law who is alone at home while his wife is gone to Las Vegas for the twins graduation. He is doing well, and we just had a small visit with him. He told us that Anne had come over and taken him to a wild party on Saturday. Talking to him we found that he had been taken to the Pride Festival (which is a gay pride thing that happens in Salt Lake). He then said that he was going to have to compare that to home-teaching this week which he as been asked to do by Bud Bay. It's been years since he has done any home-teaching. That should be interesting. He struggles with a belief in God.

Anyway, not too much more to say.


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