Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I didn't write down the other day a bit about me calling my daughter who lives in Florida on Sunday. When I called her cell phone, she picked up almost immediately. This is a rarity. I usually have to leave a message for her to call me and then wait for that phone call.

Well, one of the first questions I asked her was when it was that she would be able to come out and see us. I have offered to pay the whole expense of the plane tickets out here from Florida. She started to tell me that she wasn't sure she could make it out in July as we were kind of planning on. This was very discouraging to me. She is telling me that she won't be able to work for the week so that is about $500 that she won't have. She might be able to come out the first couple of weeks of August though. That is, her lease is up and she is expecting to have a security deposit back, so money shouldn't be so tight. I forgot to ask her where she was going to live. I am assuming that she will live with her mother for a month or so at that time.

While I was talking to my daughter, I could see the anger on my wifes face over this. I mean, at one time she was going to be coming out with her friend in July and I would only need to fly her back. That fell through and now we have talked to her about flying out. One option was that she would cover half the expense of the flights to and from. That didn't seem feasible on her end because of finances. Looking at my own, we decided I could fly her both ways. Now, of course even that is going away. It's like I am not that important for her to come out and visit.

Well, my wife was going on about the importance of our relationship as father and daughter, and not knowing what may happen which there would be regrets that we hadn't seen one another. I brought some of this up to her and she sounded a bit upset with what I was saying over the phone, so I didn't push it too far. My wife didn't think I pushed it hard enough because I am her father after all. I don't know. It's difficult when your daughter is an adult and has a life of her own that is different from what it was before adulthood. I haven't seen my daughter for quite awhile. It has been a couple of years at least. The last time was at Christmastime, but for the life of me I can't remember which year. Anyway, I need to see what I can do to get her to come out and see us, even if it is only for a couple of days. Hopefully, she will let me know about a time in August when we can finally see each other again.

Enough of that rant.

Nothing much happened yesterday. I guess that is true of today as well, but today I did leave work early so I could go to the Middle School of my daughter (and son) where she was receiving an award for being an exceptional student in band. She has excelled in playing the flute and we, as parents, are quite proud of what she has been able to accomplish.

At the school, we sat through a slide show. The kids were mostly cheering as various class members and school administrators were thrown onto the screen. Of course, then there were the boos. That wasn't good. My wife was quite distressed over this kind of behavior because of what that can do to ones self esteem. One teacher even stood up and told the students to quit booing. That did nothing for what was going on.

We came home from that. Soon after my daughter came home, I took her to her orthodontist. That appointment didn't last long, but it was difficult to get there. We even had to wait for the TRAX train for about ten minutes. It was awful.

Since our son is at the Lagoon, we decided to go out for dinner with our daughter. We went to Wingers and had a good time there. Because we spent over $20 we got a free Asphalt pie. It was a huge piece and fed us all to the point that we were uncomfortable.

My daughter went to Young Women tonight, and of course our son stayed at the Lagoon. I will be interested to hear what rides may have been shut down because it was extremely windy. We have a major storm that should be here tomorrow. It is really weird. We go from 90 degrees down to about 45 degrees tomorrow as the temperatures. Anyway, my son will be sleeping over at my brothers house tonight and we will pick him up sometime tomorrow.

Oh, I called on the gate (for our fence) today. They said that they will be out tomorrow to put that into place.


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