Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Trek time

There isn't too much going on, but I thought I would write anyway.

Yesterday, after I arrived home, we had decided that we needed to get our son some buttons so his suspenders would work when he was on trek. My wife was going to go to the store for these, but she was having a hard time finding the time. I told her that I would like to go to the Deseret Industries to see if I could find a little bit warmer suit jacket that my son could use because it is supposed to get down into the 40's over night in Evanston while they are on this trek. She was a bit upset at me because she felt like she had wasted her time the day before getting all the stuff she had gotten.

Well, my son and I went, and I did find a little bit warmer jacket for him. We also went to Walmart and found some new suspenders (we no longer need the buttons) that he could use for this experience. We came home with those and a couple of bandannas. This was everything that we needed. Of course, my son packed it all into a duffel bag and is ready to go.

Work has had a bit more for me to be doing lately. Both yesterday and today I was frustrated with some of the data we had received from Pinnacle. I am having to find some work arounds. Overall, it will work, but there are plenty of bugs to be worked out. I also had to find out what it is that I need to finish up to get policy going for pinnacle. They need our data there, and we need to put it there. They have some different ways that they look at data that is a bit confusing to me. I need to come up with some flat files that will take care of the problem and then remotely load their data into their structure. I keep on asking, "Are we having fun yet?".

Another thing about being at work these last couple of days was that my processes did not run. Resources were all used up. They had to bounce the system two days in a row and the resource usage went from 100% to around 50%. It was holding that many temporary files to make that huge of a difference. We did find the culprit of the problem and hopefully it is all resolved.


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