Monday, June 18, 2007

Fathers Day

Well, yesterday was Fathers Day. I woke up and puttered around the house for a little while. My daughter gave me a card with some chocolate in it, and my wife also gave me a card. I had already bought my weed whacker that was needed for the gardening for Fathers Day. Church came along and we all went there. Nothing extra-ordinary happened in church to bore anybody with any kind of details.

Of course, my wife planned on a roast for the Fathers Day meal. She had crockpotted (I don't even know if that is a word) it all day long. It was quite tasty. My daughter created her version of an asphalt pie (chocolate pie crust with mint ice cream, and then some whipped cream topping on which you put hot fudge over and some oreos). It was quite tasty.

We finally headed out to my dads house. Not too much to talk about there, but I heard my little brother talking about his new job (he quit the one he had after just a few weeks), and he hopes that the new company will do well for him. If it does, he may soar into some real money. I hope it all works out for him.

We also popped into my father-in-laws house to say hi. We stayed there for a bit and then came on home.

Late that night, Aubree gave me a call. She has told me that she can come on out and visit me at the end of July to the first week of August for about five or six days. I have set the date with the airline reservations to August 1st through August 6th. It will be nice to have her come out and visit with us even for this short period of time. There really isn't anything else to report at this time.


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