Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fourth of July

Today is Independents Day. We just had to get up in time to get my son over to Bingham High School in time to catch a bus at 7:00 AM so he could go march in a parade in Murray. He told us that he would be doing that until 12:30. He was back to the school by 11:30 and gave us a phone call informing us of this. We went and picked him up.

We mostly lounged around the house for most of the day. We did finally leave around 4:00 so we could go and get something to eat and then head over to the Sandy City Hall for his next marching band parade. After dropping off our son, we went and parked by city hall. Right after I parked a cop moved her vehicle to block anybody else from parking there. I was concerned enough that I asked her if I was OK there. She told me that I wasn't supposed to park there, but I would be OK.

Well, we walked on over to an area that we could watch the parade (near the end). We got some shade. I went to Target to get us some water so we would be able to make it through the heat of the day. While in the store, I ran into Mary Fletcher (from my ward) and she told me that the fireworks at Sandy City were the "best in the state". I went back and informed my family of this.

In the meantime, Pam and Anne were on their way to where we were so they could see the parade, and more importantly our son in the parade. They brought a cooler with more drinks. We told them that we had decided to stay for fireworks as well.

The parade went by and we tried to distract our son. He did a very good job of ignoring us. I went and picked him up and then came back to finish the parade. We saw that people were starting to get their places in line for the fireworks. We wandered across the parade in order to secure us a place on the grass. We got a good place too.

We then stayed at the park and a little later, my wifes parents and her nephew came to watch the fireworks. They started at 10:00. I had talked to a cop about where I was parked and he advised me to park closer to his car because the fireworks could strip the paint off of a car. We were supposed to be in a safe zone, but his care had more protection coming from the building. I did that.

The fireworks were great. We really enjoyed them, and Margaret kept on talking throughout them saying how great they were and she was the talk of the people around us. She was just like a little child.

It took a long time to get out of our parking area. The fireworks ended around 10:20 and we got home finally about 11:30. It was a long, but fulfilling day.


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