Monday, June 25, 2007

Smoke Detectors

Yesterday morning my wife and I had to get over to the church a little bit early so we could talk to the Welfare committee (since most of them are in correlation as well) about our plans for a summer activity on the 21st of July. We got there in time to hear some stuff with Welfare through the church that was important to us. They talked a little bit about having some of your high school get you as far as an associates degree in college. I need to get on that and see what we need to do in order to get our son into that program.

We gave our thoughts and heard a few other thoughts coming from the Welfare committee. It has put us a little bit closer to a successful breakfast for our first ward activity.

When we arrived home, our kids told us that the Smoke alarms had been going off. We were home about 5 minutes when they went off. It was like somebody had hit the test button on one of them. I looked up in the attic and looked around the whole house to see if I could find the problem. There was no smoke anywhere. I had to go to the store to buy batteries to place in each of them. When I was done with that, I hit the test, and that was the last we heard of the Smoke detectors (which had been going off about every 15 minutes) for a bit.

My son had to tell a little bit of the Trek experience in priesthood meeting. He also got to give a talk on it in Sacrament meeting. I thought this was kind of funny. The bishopric had some assignments that they thought they had given out for Sacrament meeting talks. When somebody told one of the people that was allegedly going to speak that they were looking forward to hearing it, it was news to them. Both families that had been set up for speaking hadn't heard about it. So, they had to draw back and punt. They ended up having the youth all tell their experience on Trek as well as a doctor and nurse that had gone up to help them with any medical problems. This made for a better meeting.

We arrived home soon after 4:00. My son and I went hometeaching at 4:30 and then came home. Around 7:00 the smoke detectors started to go off. This was longer blasts and the time in between went between 5 minutes to about half an hour. I tried to call a couple of electricians. When they all called back, it was decided that I would start taking off the smoke detectors one at a time until we found the troubled one. I started with the basement. That wasn't it, so I grabbed the kitchen one. That was it. We haven't heard a peep since. I think I will get one smoke detector and one smoke/carbon monoxide detector for the basement.

Because we weren't sure if they would go off during the night, my whole family chose to sleep outside (minus me). Of course no interruptions happened during the night, so that was a good thing.

Today was the first day for my son in the Marching band. He is playing the Melophone, which is an oversized trumpet. He has to learn new fingering from the French Horn, but the instructor thought he transferred over easily. He seems to enjoy the marching band (at least on the first day). Hopefully, that will keep up as his whole summer is filled with this thing.


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