Saturday, June 23, 2007

Trek - Coming home

There isn't a whole lot to tell about things that have been going on. My son, of course was not at home as he was out on Trek. We went to pick up Zoe (my niece) from my sisters home on Thursday evening. We were planning on returning her on Friday evening.

We didn't do too much on Thursday. Like I said, we went to Highland to pick up our niece for a sleepover. We stopped off at Wingers for a nice dinner. Since they no longer had the special on for an asphalt pie, we went and made one ourselves. That was every bit as good. Since Zoe had never seen "Bridge to Teribithia", we went out and rented that DVD. My wife and I hadn't seen it either. We enjoyed the movie, although, I still don't see why the girl in it had to die.

There wasn't too much to do on Friday either. We finally found out that Zoe had brought her swim suit, so we took her and our daughter to the swimming pool. They just had to be home by around 3:00 so our daughter could go babysit at the Mordens house. I called to see if Zoe could be with her for a bit, and was told that was OK as long as the focus was on the children. We were also told to have them come over just a bit later than we thought. Anyway, my daughter was supposed to be there from 3:30 till about 8:30. She got there at 3:45 and was told that it would be about 9:30. The Mordens didn't show up at home until about 10:45. This was a bit concerning to us, but it is something that we will live with. Zoe stayed with her most of the time. She also spent a little bit of time with us. We were going to drive her home when our daughter was done with the babysitting, but that happened too late. I finally called my sister telling her the problem. We decided that Zoe would stay the night and go traveling with us on Saturday (it was also Zoe's decision).

We were supposed to be in Evanston at about 10:15. We left our home around 8:00 AM to get there. Since we were there early, we went to breakfast at McDonalds. In the meeting for the parents, they told us of a few things that happened on Trek. Then we went back about 11 miles so we could be at the end of the trail and wave white hankeys as the kids came in. They all had come in and we didn't see our son anywhere in the line. We just missed him.

When we asked our son if he enjoyed Trek he told us that he didn't. However, he talked so much about it that we know he did enjoy it. On the first day, they were supposed to have the hardest part of Trek. They pulled the handcart 11 miles. Each family consisted of ten children and a Ma and Pa. The Ma and Pa were not allowed to do anything with the handcart. They got their sleep and were supposed to have an easy day on Thursday. From my understanding, there was a brand new mission couple (older) that saw a shortcut to the Trek and told the Stake President about it. They took that shortcut. Birds eye view, it would've worked. In reality, it didn't. Instead of going six miles they ended up going another 11 miles through rough terrain. This wore out a lot of the kids. Since they missed the games they were supposed to do that evening, they split Friday into two parts. Friday was supposed to be the Sabbath, but they let them do the games in the morning and then did the Sabbath stuff later. The priesthood went to their meeting and the Young Women to theirs. The priesthood got to watch a dust devil come up and go through the Young Women taking some bonnets that were never to be seen again. They also had Sunday School. Later, in Sacrament meeting, my son tells me that some girls were sitting on a bench and there was a huge crack and a whole bunch of girls ended up on the ground from the breaking bench. He thought that was pretty hilarious. Anyway, they broke up into companies and had some testimony meetings. Today was an easy day for them where they were able to travel a short distance to where we were. There were about 230 youth there, and from my understanding they only had to hydrate using IV's on six of them. One Ma and Pa went home because she picked up the flu and they had to be replaced.

After we picked up our son, we went back to Evanston to have some lunch at Wendys. We then headed home (or rather to Zoes home). We had to go through Heber City, and decided that we were close enough to my in-laws cabin that we would go up and see how Jeff was coming along on that. When I walked in, he hurried and hid his beer cans so my kids would not see them. The cabin was a mess, but we didn't expect to see anything different. All of the tile is laid in the cabin, and he was working on the lights. He would finish installing hardware for the bathtub later, and still needs to get the cabinets back in. There wasn't too much left to know that the cabin had been in a fire a few months ago.

We left there, and headed through Provo canyon. We got into a traffic jam in Orem because they were doing construction on the main road in. Anyway, we finally got Zoe home. We got home at around 5:00 in the evening. I was tired from a whole long day of traveling. My wife was tired as well. Surprisingly, our son didn't seem to be too tired. And, he continued to talk about the Trek.


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