Sunday, July 01, 2007


This morning, my wife and I got ready for church. We had worked on our activity for the ward the previous night. We are getting ready for a Ward Breakfast on July 21st. We got a few things together so we could try to get some help from the ward. There is only one other couple on the committee and they have just had a baby and haven't been of much use yet. This is a bit frustrating to us.

Anyway, we got a few people to sign up for some of the things that we need to help make this thing a success. Hopefully all will go well with it.

When we were in Sunday School, we were grabbed by Brother Wahlstrom in our ward. He told us that there was some kind of emergency at our home. Bishop Mangum (the Bishop of the old ward we were in) was called by somebody, but he didn't know who. We were nervous and ran home. The alarm had gone off in our home. It was right about the time that we had left, and from the door that we had left through. Basically, it seems that when I had run back inside the house, I had probably done something wrong and left. The alarm went off. I don't know if Police came and looked or not, but we cleared the Alarm and went back to church for Sacrament meeting. It was there that we found out that it was my father who had called them since he was on the list from the alarm company. Thank goodness nothing was wrong.

After we got home, we prepared some brownies (for my birthday) to take over to Pam and Annes house. We went over there and had a wonderful hamburger meal (it didn't really taste like a hamburger, and was quite yummy). We visited with some of Annes family, they all sang happy birthday to me, and then we came home.

My wife has been doing her best to keep what we were doing as a surprise to me. I figured it out tonight without trying too. I was doing my best to not listen in, but at one point my wife said something out loud that made me think about what it is. We will be going out to Salt Air and going on a boat there and have dinner for a sunset dinner. I'll have to remember to take the camera. My wife wasn't upset that I had found out what it was we were doing.


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