Monday, July 09, 2007

Days off

Since I had the fourth of July off, and I would be taking my normal Friday off, I chose to also take off Thursday from work. We really didn't do anything, but it was nice to have the time off. Thursday was simply a day of rest and relaxation, although we did go over and mow the lawn of the Srey family while they are on vacation in Cambodia.

Friday, we had a few errands to run to get some things for our ward activity coming up on the 21st of July. We then went to my moms house so my wife could cut her hair. We left our son at home, and our daughter at her other grandparents. We had a good talk with my parents during and after my moms haircut. It was interesting. We talked a bit about free will and how families can still lose somebody because of somebody else's freewill. We talked about prayer and how it doesn't work at times the way we ask for it to work despite everybody doing the right thing.

Later, we went and picked up our daughter and the gift that my in-laws had given me for my birthday. We also picked up a couple of more things on the way home from there. It was a full day.

There really isn't too much else that went on Saturday or Sunday. I did get a few things straightened around at church for people to help us out with the Neighborhood Breakfast that is being planned.

Sunday night, we went to my in-laws house because Zach had come in for orientation at the U of U. We had an enjoyable time over there, and found that he would be going to the orientation today and tomorrow with a sleep over today.

Today was my works party day. I worked until around 12:30 and then headed home. Pon was in our home and was thanking us for taking care of his yard while he was gone. He paid my son about $50 for doing what he did and gave us a couple of gifts. I got a golf shirt and a card holder from Cambodia. That was nice of him.

For the work party, we went to Snowbird. We got there just after 2:00 and were able to get on the Alpine slide almost immediately. We next tried the zip line (a 45 minute wait) and then went to the Tram. Once on top of the mountain, we looked around and then hiked down to the "Peruvian Lift". It was a nice trip back down the mountain.

We talked to a couple of people from work and then went to dinner. I got in trouble at dinner because I saw some people forming a third line when I thought they shouldn't be. My wife tells me that I was making a jackass out of myself and she was embarrassed to be with me.

After dinner, the kids went one more time on the Alpine slide and then we headed home. We arrived home around 7:30.

When we got home, we found that our cell phones weren't delivered by Fed-Ex as promised. I called AT&T to see what was going on with that. The first number I called said that there was no order. I then called Customer Service. I was told that our order had not been processed although all the information was there. Would I like her to send me my order? I told her yes, and then was told she could not send the second phone. It was a different department that did that, and I needed to call them tomorrow to take care of that. I told her I would do so. I am frustrated that I had to make this call. We should've had our new phones and been on our way to our new phone plan with these people. I guess I'll find out more tomorrow.


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