Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Well, it's been a week since I wrote here. I knew that would happen because my daughter was in town and I was taking the time to be with her. Sure, I could've written something here, but I still didn't.

Anyway, on the 31st of July, I worked my butt off at work to try and get some things done before I left work for the week. I didn't get anything accomplished that I wanted too and ran into frustration after frustration. I even stayed at work a half hour late in order to get some of that stuff done. This was pretty discouraging to me to not get where I wanted to be.

On the 1st of August, my daughter was coming in from Florida. We waited at home and took care of a few odds and ends. Her flight was coming in at 12:40. It was on time. My other daughter came in from girls camp around 11:00 AM. This made it so there was time for her to shower and we could all go to the airport together. We were watching her flight on http://flightaware.com/. Around 11:30 my mother called me to see if she was in yet. I told her no, but would be in about half an hour. She, of course wants to spend a little bit of time with her too. Anyway, I received some other calls just when we were getting ready to leave and my little sister was working to get us all together. She worked with Shelly and Glen to have a barbecue over at their house. We were answering calls all the way to the airport, causing Aubree to not be able to get through to me because I was on the phone when she landed.

We picked up Aubree and then went to Johnny Carinos restaurant. We didn't get a good waiter, but enjoyed the food. We had enough left over for some dinner that night as well. Aubree was pretty tired so we just hung out at home and watched a video.

Thursday, we got up and decided that since it was a cooler day we would head out to Cascade Springs. It was a beautiful day for this and we were grateful for the coolness of the day. On the way up there, we stopped into my wifes parents cabin. It still isn't finished and this discouraged my wife because her brother will be moving to Wendover soon. We had lunch at a park in Midway. Whenever I put the SUV in park I was having trouble getting it out of park. I was holding the brake down, but it just wasn't going. This was troubling to me and I was hoping that we would make it home from this trip. My daughter took a bunch of pictures while she was up there, and then we went to American Fork canyon. We dropped in on my sister-in-law in Cedar Hills.

Just as we were getting ready to leave, it started to pour. We waited for a bit for the rain to calm down and then left. We got into a real downpour on the way home. There was a patch where it went from raining hard to bone dry. We then ended up in the downpour again and the roads were filled with water. It was hard driving. We got home safe and sound though, and after awhile were able to go out and see the rainbow. Poor Aubree, she was hoping to have a rain free time and it rained about every day she was here.

On Friday, I woke up early enough that I could get the SUV into the Honda dealer. I had called my boss to get the name of his friend again, and he was able to get a brake switch replaced on warranty. I didn't have to pay the $85 to get this fixed and I was grateful for that brake (pun intended). When I finally arrived home, my family was up and Aubree was in the Den taking care of her registering for her classes online. She told me about a website that she was using to get the teachers that she wants. It is called at http://ratemyprofessors.com/index.jsp. This is a site that I have grabbed for future use.

Natalie and Tia both came over to our house to visit with Aubree. This was nice to have two of her cousins come over and be with her. They went out to watch the movie hairspray along with my other daughter. They did invite my son but he wasn't about to go out with a bunch of girls. Of course, it rained hard again on this day.

Saturday we decided that we would go over to my wifes parents home. We spent a little bit of time with them and got some things ready for Sundays barbecue. We also had to get some shoes for my daughters camp, so we went to the shoe store. Aubree also got her a pair of shoes. My wife cut Aubrees hair on this day and she ended up in tears. I don't think it was the hair cut but rather it was all the stress that is on her with work, school and having to move as soon as she gets home. I gave Aubree a fathers blessing to help her in her troubled times.

Sunday, we all went to church. I bore my testimony but got so emotional that I don't even know what I said. I was completely lost. Aubree had talked to her grandmother earlier in the day and told her that she was leaving Salt Lake Monday afternoon. I could tell her grandma wanted to see her (even though she lives in Florida) so I had Aubree call her back and invite her to come out to my brothers house for the barbecue. My brother had lived with them for a few months so I was sure he wouldn't mind.

We headed out for my brothers house as soon as we had changed our clothes. Almost everybody was there. It was nice for my daughter to get to meet up with most of the family for this short stay that she was here. I was also glad that Bill and Helen (her other grandparents) were able to make it on out to this event. We stayed up till around 1:00 AM just chatting once we got home.

Monday was a melancholy day for me. I always get this way when I know she is leaving. I had to get up early to take my daughter to a meeting place for girls camp at Oakcrest. Then I just kind of played around the house a bit. We visited for awhile and then decided to go out to Jamba Juice. Then we headed to the airport. Check in was easy and we sat around the airport for a little while. We finally had to put her through security and she left. She called me when she arrived home to let me know she had made it back OK.

Today I had to go into work. That was difficult for me. It took me all morning to catch up with all that I had missed with taking this time off. I still wasn't able to get things going that I need to get going. There are some things that I simply don't know how to do and I am struggling through it all.

Tonight, we got a call from the bishop. We have been thinking about canceling the next event for the ward activity. We don't have the help we need to get things to work right. He called and told us that the primary had scheduled an event on the same day that we had scheduled ours. They wanted a talent show. We could help out with that and have a dinner or simply desserts. We chose desserts. We will have some people bring pies or something and go from there. That will make an easy activity for us. We were grateful for this respite.

I also talked to Brother Russel about my sons Eagle project. He still hasn't turned it in. We have had it since December when he did it. I now just have to have my son get with him to turn it in, and then we can get moving on these last three merit badges. The three he needs are Personal Management, Personal Fitness, and Communications. I just hope we can get him on those soon. The sooner the better.


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