Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ward Party and stuff

Once again, a week has gone by since my last entry here. I should be more diligent in writing, but sometimes I think that not too much is happening which would cause me to write. Another issue is that sometimes I feel that not enough has gone on to warrant writing a bit more.

Anyway, the end of last week my wife and I were working on getting various things together for the Neighborhood Pioneer Breakfast. We had to call people who said they would do various things and come up with the best possible ways to do all things. We tried to balance this with taking time out to see Casey while he was staying here in Salt Lake. There was also the issue of our son going to various parades. He had a parade on Friday evening in Bountiful, then on Saturday there was one in Murray, Monday there was marching at the South Town Expo center as a preview for the 24th of July parade that he was also in.

The Ward (Neighborhood) party seemed to go off without having too many hitches that could not be overcome. I think that it went quite well. There was plenty of food (there was a bunch left over) and the people dispersed to play the various games that we had going on around there. My wife didn't even sit down to eat though as she was just a bundle of nervous energy. I sat down to eat, but other than that didn't do much else than try to direct things. Without my wife it wouldn't have gone as smooth as it did. There was also some very good help from a few of the members of the ward. My wifes sister, as well as her mother and father also came. They brought Casey with them. When Casey asked me if they were charging for this breakfast I told him to divvy up his five bucks, and then I told him, wait, you're Lutheran, that'll be ten bucks. Of course we straightened him out on that and let him know that it was something that was being done for nothing, other than getting a group together to have some fun.

Anyway, by the time that was over, my wife and I were completely wiped out. We went home and just vegged. We had to go out and get a silly movie so that we could just forget about everything.

Sunday, our ward had a different sort of Sacrament meeting. It was kind of done testimony style, but people went up to the pulpit and told us what their favorite hymn was, and why and then we sang the appropriate verse(s) from that hymn. This went way over time, but was very good.

After arriving home, we hurried out to my in-laws for some roast and to visit with Casey. Casey left with a couple of the other guys to watch a movie, so we didn't get to visit with him as much as we would've liked too. We did get some time with Ben and Chris though, and that was good.

I took the day off on Monday. Of course I had to run my son over to the one parade, and my wife went out shopping for a wedding shower gift for her cousins daughter (Cosy). She was a bit perterbed (and I was too) that she was doing this without her mother because her mother had been complaining about having to go all the way out to Bed, Bath, and Beyond for the gift and we had taken time to get her some information and she was going to go shopping with my wife today. Instead, plans changed and she did it with Pam. We did meet up with them for lunch.

After lunch, we came to our place so Casey could be with our son and daughter, and we just visited. I tried, unsuccessfully, to read some of the Harry Potter book. Anyway, there was another issue with Casey staying with us or going to Pams place. We had arranged for him to be with us, but my mother-in-law kept on asking if he really wanted to do that until he decided he would go to Pams house. This was very discouraging for my wife and there was a slight altercation (words - or no words as it were and feelings). Well, Casey did stay the night, and we had our son play with him on the computer till around 11:00. He then stayed up quite a bit later than that.

We woke up in time to get our son to the school to catch a bus to the 24th of July parade. I then went home, read the paper and started the Harry Potter book. We watched the parade on TV and then my wife, daughter and Casey all left to go to the wedding shower. They stayed there until after 6:00 PM because my wife wanted to chat with her cousin from Italy. My son and I went out to KFC for some lunch and just to talk. We then came home and did basically nothing.

Anyway, that is a summation of my week.


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