Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weekly adventures

Well, it seems that the weeks just keep on going past me. I have good intentions to write here, but it seems that I am only committed to about 1 day in 7 to write. Maybe that is about six times of a blessing to those who are reading, as my writing would be cut down by about that much.

I call my daughter in Florida about once a week as well. Lately, there have been two weeks before we actually communicate. Today was one of those days that I talked to my daughter. It's just like in the writing in here. There really isn't that much to communicate with her. At least with the communication with her, she knows that I love her and that I do my best to communicate with her. So, despite the similarity, I guess it really is a whole lot different from writing here. It would be nice if life wasn't always the same old stuff, but it seems that it really is.

Well, as usual, I'll try to only write the things that really were different about this week.

The first different thing I can think of was on Thursday. I went to pick up my son and attend a meeting for the parents and children of those who are in Marching Band. There were some papers to sign for them to be able to go on the trip to Southern California. We were also informed that there is another $150 due at the end of this month for that trip (which is at the end of October). We got all of the paperwork signed and notarized and we left.

We noticed that the Gustavos family was moving, so we went to their new home (also in our neighborhood) to see if they needed any help. They said they were only going to do one more load from the one house to the other. I offered to help. We went home and grabbed a quick bite to eat and then went to help out. We filled the trailer up in about a half hour and then emptied it at the new house in another half hour. I asked if they didn't want to do one more load for the night. They thought that would be great. It took about another hour of our time to do this. They seemed grateful for the help we gave them, and we were glad to help. They are a great family. Sister Gustavos took me through the new house so I could see it. It is a beautiful home. I went home tired on this night.

Friday was my normal day off, and my wife and I were able to go to Sams club to get a few items that were necessary for the primary/ward party for that night. My wife was a bit upset with me because she felt I should've planned something for us to do (without the kids around in the day) during this time. I guess I failed in that. I was just expecting to take care of some of the things that needed to be taken care of for the activity. My plans to go out on Saturday for a nice lunch to Park City didn't go down very well because of the timing of my asking my wife for this. I didn't really know what more I could've done on this.

We had to take our son to the high school for the homecoming football game. There were dark clouds and that was a bit worrisome. We then got to the church a little bit early to see if they needed any help to prepare for the party. Things were mostly under control, but we realized that we had forgotten cups to give water along with the pies. I ran and did that while my wife started to cut some of the pies up. Sister Lambourne came into the kitchen to help my wife cut the pies, and while the program (primary talent show) was going on, Sister May, who is on the activity committee showed up to help. This was a bit of a surprise to us, as we haven't gotten the help we have needed so far.

We got pies out there in time for all the people to have after the program. There were some home made pies as well as the store bought ones. We did keep the cost down by asking a few members to bring a couple of pies. There was two wonderful homemade peach pies at the place. Those went in a hurry.

My wife and I ended up taking four pies home. We couldn't really get rid of them any other way, so I guess we'll freeze them and eat them over time.

During the activity, we looked out at the darkness and saw thunder and lightening. My wife was concerned that our son would be hit. I told her that as long as he stayed lower than the Tubas, he should be fine.

I did leave before my son called to say they were done because we were a bit concerned. He called while I was on my way to the school though, and all went well.

Saturday morning, we woke up, and my daughter and myself went over to a park by our house where a Stake walk/run was taking place. They had a 5K (it was actually 3.1 miles) walk/run planned. I had already decided I was going to walk it rather than running because I know I wouldn't handle a run very well. My daughter ran for about half of it and then ended up walking with me and another girl I cajoled into going. I think she was glad that she went on the walk. There was one hill that I decided against taking and we took a short cut there. It took about an hour for me to walk the whole distance (minus a very small part for where I took the short cut). We really didn't do too badly with that.

After arriving home, my son and daughter mowed the lawn. I also got them to clean their rooms, although my daughter did not get her room vacuumed. I also did some work around the house. There really wasn't much else that happened.

Today was just a regular church day. My son had to give a talk that we had prepared on Saturday. He did a wonderful job on his talk and we were proud of him. Soon after arriving home, we had family home evening (I don't hold that regularly as I should). It was on service and I told them about the service project that we would be doing tomorrow. We will be going to one of the houses in our ward and helping put their sod down. It is a part member family, and they seem grateful for any help that they can get (their landscapers backed out on them).

My wife and I had an argument about the things that need to be done around our house and that we also really need to work on our marriage. I feel that I am doing the best that I can, but am still working on trying to accomplish all the things that we need to accomplish. There is still work to be done.


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