Monday, September 03, 2007

Heart Attack

Once again, I find myself going back a week. The problem is, there wasn't too much that has gone on to really write about. That is one reason I haven't really written anything here. Another reason would probably be something about sheer laziness.

My kids have started school this past week. I have never understood why they would start school up when the very next week they will be taking one day off for Labor Day. It just seems nuts.

Once again, we find my daughter doing homework almost every night and my son gets away with doing none. He has, at least, been staying after school so that he can learn his marching band things. That's going to keep us busy.

I have been really busy at work all of last week, and think I'll be pretty busy for the next week or two on this project. I failed to get things to the point they wanted them too for testing, but will be working on that a bit.

Friday, I had my regular day off of work. I saw the kids off to school, and my wife off to Swiss Days. I did get online briefly so I could check up on a few of my jobs at work. I had to call Paul because there was something in my connection not working. I was only doing that for a short time.

I next decided to run a few errands so we would be pretty much ready for going up to my in-laws cabin on Saturday. I got all of them accomplished and then played on the computer for a little bit. My wife came home just after noon from Swiss Days. I guess there wasn't that much that interested her within her price range. We kicked back for most of the rest of the day, other than a little bit more shopping that needed to be done before we went to the cabin.

Saturday morning, we were still getting things ready to go up to the cabin. We finally headed out around 11:30 in the morning. Traffic was a little bit harsh getting up there. We arrived, and found Rod and Margaret at the cabin. My kids wanted to go down to Swiss Days and my in-laws wanted to go also. My wife wanted to be left alone at the cabin so she could relax for a bit. I went down with them to Swiss Days. It was hot. My kids stayed with grandma and grandpa listening to various programs going on at the center of Swiss Days. I wandered through the booths, but really found nothing of major interest. I then sat down with the Perrys and talked a little bit with Ellen Decker and a few of the others that hang out in that corner every year.

My wife came on down to Swiss Days around 3:15 and did some more looking around. We had the Barbecue Beef dinner and then decided to head up to the cabin. We split up because we had the two cars. We had received a phone call from Anne just before we split up but it got dropped. My wife called Anne back while we were walking to our car. We were glad that we got dropped because Rod wouldn't have been in any way ready to drive hearing the news of his daughter having a heart attack. We arrived at the cabin before Rod and Margaret did and had to give them the news. We decided to wait and see what else developed before doing anything stupid.

We did call Anne to find out more, and she expressed that Pam would really like to see the kids. I joked, that it was to hell with the rest of us, as long as she could see the kids. Anyway, Rod was too tired to drive to Bountiful (the Lakeview hospital) so we left him at the cabin and the rest of us headed down. We found the hospital without too much difficulty, but Margaret talked all the way there (nonstop). We did go in to see Pam. I hated seeing her that way in the ICU, but there wasn't much else to do. She asked if I could give her a blessing along with my son. I explained to her that my son didn't have the Melchezedek priesthood, but that I could give her a blessing. One of the nurses had some consecrated oil (it was labeled that this actually came from Jerusalem). I laid my hands on Pams head and gave her a blessing. I really don't know what all I said, but I felt the power of the priesthood. My kids also got to see that the priesthood is something to be used for the blessings of others.

One thing that we found out was that the hospital wasn't able to do the stent (I'm not sure if I spelled that correctly) in Pams arteries because they were too small. It was a small clot that has caused all this pain to her, and that is what they were working with.

After awhile, we were kicked out of the hospital room for some more things to be done. We were told we could come back in about half an hour. We did do that, but it actually took an hour. We gave our final goodbyes to Pam (for the night) and let her know that we loved her. We left Anne there and headed back up to the cabin. There wasn't too much to do once we arrived at the cabin, so we went to bed.

Sunday morning we slept in. We finally heard from Anne (I'm not sure who called who) but she told us that they had kept Pam in ICU and were keeping her there through Sunday. We heard that Pam went into some shock from her diabetes because the ICU wasn't working with her good enough on that. That makes me upset. You would think that an ICU would be better than that.

We kicked back and watched video on Sunday. We also napped and took a few walks. Of course there was also a few phone calls here and there when people were finding out what had happened with Pam. Not much happened that day.

Today, we got woken up at 7:00 AM with Anne crying. My wife was really scared because of the crying. I guess it all was taking its toll on Anne. Pam had been moved to a regular room and probably would be going home tomorrow. Well, that was good news.

Once again, we didn't do too much. We just enjoyed the time up at the cabin, but my kids were getting restless. They played a game, we had some lunch (dinner), and it rained pretty hard. After the rain, I started to load the car and we headed back home.

Tonight, we got a doorbell ditch (this is about the fifth one) and my wife and I went out looking for who had done it. In this case, we were outside when it happened (walking the dog) and were wondering if that was what a group of kids was doing when they went zipping right past us (we were on a different road coming back to see if that was what they were up to). We couldn't tell for sure who it was, and we searched the neighborhoods to find them.

After we had given up on the search, we went and walked the dog (again). We saw a kid come out of a house and I sort of recognized the shirt and the height of this guy. I accused him of doorbell ditching and my wife at first was a bit mad at me. Some girls that we had talked too (we went to a home that had a bunch of bikes and scooters) came on down. The guy was denying his involvement, but one of the girls said that she had just seen a guy meeting this guys criteria take off another way. Since we had been around and around that area, we knew she was lying and that gave off that we had the right guy. We also had the other right house as to who did it (though all deny it). I told them that if we ever catch them the police will be involved because this is just happening too often. Anyway, that ends this particular entry.


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