Monday, September 24, 2007

New Driver - BEWARE!

OK, this time I haven't written based on sheer laziness. The problem with this kind of writing is that I now have to go back in time to figure out what it is that has happened, and then try to keep a certain order to it. Well, this is my stab at that.

In order for our son to get his learners permit we had to come up with his birth certificate as well as a social security card. We knew they were somewhere in one of the boxes that has never been emptied since we have moved into this house, but the question was, where? Of course he wants us to find them as soon as possible. I looked in quite a few places and couldn't find them anywhere. So, on Thursday, I took some time to go and get a birth certificate. The cost of that was $15. I then went to the Social Security office (which is just across the parking lot from where I work) to see about obtaining his Social Security card. In order for me to get it, I need something that is current about him (showing that he has not died) with my name on it. They told me that a school transcript would work. The only other way was for him to come in with me with his ID so he could also verify that I am his father. Anyway, the transcripts that we have don't have my name on them, but my wifes. So, she would have to go in.

We spent some of Thursday evening looking in some boxes and shredding documents we no longer need. My wife did finally find the birth certificates (a waste of $15) and Social Security cards. So, we don't need to go in and do any of that.

Since I have to go into work this coming Friday, I took Friday the 21st off. When I got up in the morning, I went outside and prepped our outside door for painting, and then painted it. I also took care of a couple of odds and ends. I had arranged with our son to pick him up where he would be missing his last class (which was seminary) so we could go in and wait in line at the DMV. That actually took longer than I thought it would. We had all the paperwork, but had to sit there for almost two full hours. Everything was in order, I paid $15 and then had to wait about 20 more minutes for him to have his picture taken. He didn't want to drive home.

I had to hurry home because I had told my wife I would be on time for our date. We wanted time for me to change and get ready and get to dinner before we went to a play. I cleaned up pretty good. We went to Mimis for dinner, and then went to Murray Park. In Murray Park there was a young couple that was dry humping on the grass. We let them know it was really stupid (like that's what we want to see).

We finally went to the Desert Star where we watched Spamlet (a spoof on Hamlet). We really enjoyed the show, and it was full of all kinds of humor. There wasn't much else to do after it was over so we headed home.

Saturday morning, our son had to go to the driving range at school. I let him drive over there, and then I came home. After his driving range, I got him and our daughter to mow the lawn, and then, I took him out driving. It was raining a little bit, and we drove around in it. We went to our old neighborhood and stayed mostly on small roads. We did get onto one big road where he was able to go 50 MPH. One of the traffic lights was out, so he got to learn how to handle that. When we were almost home, there was a long cone that was covering a hole in the ground. I told him to watch for it a few times and he just ran right over it. That wouldn't have been a big problem, but it got stuck on the axle of the car. I had to get out in the rain and hold onto it while he backed up. It also pulled a bit of my bumper out of place (on the bottom). That was the only real mistake that he had made. Oh well.

Surprise, surprise, our son wanted to go get some groceries for the house. Our daughter put on three seatbelts in the back seat so she would be safe.

Sunday came and went. We went to our meetings, came home, had dinner and just kind of vegged. It rained off and on for most of Sunday.

Tonight, we went to our sons school so we could see the Marching Band perform. It was a time that we were allowed to see what kind of torture the band leader is putting our kids through. I also had the opportunity to go out on the field to try to move with him. They certainly get their exercise. It was freezing butt cold out there, and our son is down there in shorts and a t-shirt. He claims that he wasn't cold, but I'm sure he was. We enjoyed being there and seeing what it was that he does. Well, that's it for now.


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