Sunday, February 07, 2010


At least it's only been a week since I have written here. There still isn't a lot going on. Probably not enough to write about.

Tuesday evening I went with the Scouts to Glens house so they could work on their engineering merit badge. Some did that, while others helped a couple of our new scouts work on their first and second class ranks.

The next day of anything out of the ordinary was Saturday. Even it was ordinary. There are the regular chores around the house and my wife and I went to the store to purchase a few things for Superbowl Sunday. We also headed over to my in-laws house to celebrate Melany's birthday with a dinner. That was all good, but we had a little dust-up over politics and religion. Our daughter was not able to come with us as she went instead with a friend to a Cheerleader competition. I think she would've had a better time with us, but that's the way it goes.

Sunday was church, and then we hurried up and ate a dinner. We then turned on the TV to the Superbowl. After it was into the game a bit, I got up and put in some lil smokies and prepared those. That took about an hour till they were ready. Just in time. There was also chips and dip and cookies. Of course, if you were a health nut, you could have some grapes as well. Just after half time I took some Velveeta cheese and added a can of Rotel to them for some cheese dip. Just got that all melted together and had that as well.

This was just something for my little family. We didn't meet with anybody else. Our daughter really gets into the game and it was a shame since her team (the Colts) lost to the Saints. Overall, we had a good time.


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