Thursday, January 21, 2010

Time Flies - Wife Accident

Wow! I didn't realize that it had been so long since I last wrote here. I don't even remember most of what has happened, but I'll try.

I had last Friday off. My wife and I just had a nice day together. We didn't do much of anything though.

Saturday, our kids left to go to Pam and Anne's house. There they were to help take care of Boston (their cousins 18 month old child) along with Pam. My wife first gave Pam a haircut and then she stayed for awhile before leaving. I got in a bit of trouble because I did some reading while we had a guest in the house. Saturday evening my wife and I were able to go to a Jon Schmidt concert that our daughter had gotten us tickets too. That was quite enjoyable.

Of course, Sunday came along and our kids were not at home. I went to church and came home after taking the Sacrament. So, I got most of church, but left for the last 40 minutes. I probably shouldn't have gone home, but I just wasn't into it. We were also wondering if we would have to go pick up our kids. I hate the 1:00-4:00 schedule of church because there isn't time to do anything in the morning (as far as visiting family) and by the time its done, there isn't much time in the evening either. I probably shouldn't feel that way, but it's how I feel nonetheless. As it sits, Pam brought our kids home and then visited for awhile. While they had our kids on this Sunday our daughter had gotten on our sons facebook page and answered some questions that also got sent out to certain people. One of the questions was if he would date Danny. She answered that as a yes and Danny happened to be online. Our poor son tried to minimize the damage by letting people know that his sister had hijacked his facebook page. My wife and I were concerned because of the implications of being teased at school. Pam didn't understand this at all. I don't know that she ever will. But then when I was reading my daughters post that said she loved destroying her brother life (because he had said something to the effect that she always destroys his life) Pam thought I was taking it to seriously. I told her that I was reading it because I thought it was funny. I guess she doesn't really understand me at times. That's OK.

Well, that crisis was over. Monday came along, and it was a snowy morning commute. It was rough getting into work. I had white knuckles even driving into work as early as I do. The kids were home from school both Monday and Tuesday because of Martin Luther King day and a Teachers prep day (first of new quarter and all). So, my son had shoveled the walks which makes my life easier. My son told me that he had applied to work for a company called Chacha and that he would be starting on Wednesday. It is a job where he is basically a contracted employee who answers questions that people send in electronically.

Tuesday evening, our kids went to the school to play in the Pep Band for a basketball game at Bingham High. I went to a combined activity at the church. It was lip sync which I thought I would be able to just sit and watch. But, I was wrong. They wanted the bishopric to do one of them and since one of the members of the bishopric had to leave the bishop told us Young Men leaders that we were enlisted. Basically we did some dumb dance to a Backstreet boys song. We survived.

Wednesday, my wife called me wanting to go look at some tile. I told her I would meet her there. I was on my way there and was at the corner of 300 W and 3300 S, when I got a call from my wife. She told me that she was in a fender bender at 500 W and 3300 S. I told her I would turn around and come to her. I got there and she had rear ended a guy and his bumper was a little bit messed up. The policeman came a bit later and told them where to move too. They did. I just sat with my wife while she was filling out the paperwork and helped her very little. She was glad I had come. This was her very first accident ever. She was flustered. I felt bad for her.

There was one moment that I found to be a bit funny. The officer was handing her a citation (not the funny part) and she was talking to him and told him that it was her first accident ever. She then did a little pout that made her look like an innocent child. It was a really cute scene. I wish I had it on camera. I kind of grinned and my wife thought I was smiling because she has given me a hard time when I have had accidents, and now it was her turn. I told her that wasn't it, but don't know that she believed me. Well, we went to the tile place.

At the tile place we spent some time looking around and then took home a few samples from there. We had picked on type that we liked and decided to look at a couple of things at home. I went back to work and my wife went home.

Once home, I looked at some of the tiles. We came up with the one we liked. We had Shane coming over to look at our water pressure problem and he did come over. He said that we have quite a bit of pressure and in our shower took out a restricting piece from the shower head that made it have enough pressure that my showers should be a bit more enjoyable. I always hate it when somebody flushes the toilet while I'm in the shower. We also had him look at our kitchen faucet and he took out a couple of pieces. That was a mistake. We couldn't really get them back in. We did get it fixed good enough that we are happy with what we have, but what a pain. Anyway, my wife gave him some money for his time and he told us that we had given him way too much (he would've done it for nothing). He said that in the spring he could look at our outside water pressure on the hoses. Hopefully, he remembers this promise.

After Shane left, I called Val Razo (the guy who did our counter top and is doing our back splash) to see what we need to do. He told us that he would meet with us on Thursday evening.

I had a few problems at work on Thursday. It started out as normal enough, but the jobs that I was running didn't do what they were supposed to do. I ended up chasing my tail for the whole afternoon on that one. I didn't figure it out at all. On the way home I thought of the problem and decided that it was a known problem with the new system and we had come to a solution to fix it. But, I had destroyed that solution so I need to get with Darin and see if he remembered what the solution was. I sure hope so.

Val and his two tile people came over to help us out. They have another place for us to look at some tiles and maybe we can come up with something that will go well with our house. It may even be cheaper through this place. We'll soon see. We talked with Val for awhile and our kids were in and out of the house. My wife had to get out and pick up a few things for her outing with the girls starting Friday morning. I want her to have fun. I had to go get some shorts for our son to be in gym. He grew out of the other shorts we had.

My wife spent the evening packing and I spent the evening back and forth with some of that and watching my son do some of his job with Chacha. I just hope it brings in the money he thinks it will. If it does, it is a good job for him to have.

Well, that's about it. I'm long winded, eh?


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