Eagle Court of Honor
I just thought I had better write a little bit about my sons Eagle Court of Honor. It was a long time in coming, and we were glad to get it done. Travis has had his Eagle since November. He didn't want a big deal made out of it and was more than willing to wait to have the Court of Honor when two others could have it with him. Well, today was the day.
I went to work as normal, but left work a little bit early to make sure that things at home were pretty much taken care of. There wasn't a lot I had to do at home because my wife pretty much had things in hand. She handled everything about this Court of Honor very well. I know she wishes I would have done more, while I thought I was doing all that I really could. But, I do appreciate her and all that she does both for me as well as our two children. When Aubree is here she also does for her. I guess this is all off topic though.
I helped a bit by letting her relax while I went to pick up our daughter and the other 3 girls in the car pool. That isn't too much to ask. We were then able to kind of relax until around 4:15. My wife did go in to start putting on some makeup before that a little bit. I filled the SUV up with the items that we had chosen to take to put on the table to kind of showcase for our son. There were also the two half sheet cakes (which feed about 48 people each).
By 4:30 we went on over to the church. Julie Sanford was already there (although it looked like she just barely had gotten there) and we went in. Of course the cakes went into the refrigerator and then we went into the Relief Society room to set up. In the meantime, Rhonda came on over to help. Glen and his younger son also came. He had a lot of the things that we wanted to put up around the room.
We had been pushed into using the Relief Society room from the gym because the stake has taken it over each and every Tuesday for a couple of months while they are getting ready for the Day of Celebration over the Oquirrh Temple activities that will be taking place. Anyway, it takes precedence and we lost out to that.
We just had a little table to decorate and Dee Anne had prepared some pictures and our sons badges that he had earned so far. We also had some odds and ends. We had some music from the piano, we had a picture of him in the Marching Band, we had some cub scout belt loops. We also had a couple of items from his Eagle project. Of course scholar certificates that he has received were also displayed. The table looked pretty nice.
While Dee Anne was doing the finishing touches on all of that (a man just doesn't do finishing touches), I went out with Glen and lined the parking lot with some American flags. We wanted it to look as good as possible for all of this to take place. We were hoping that it wouldn't snow as had been predicted.
At that point, we were able to go home. We finished getting ready and waited because our kids told us that Pam, and the Grandparents were on their way over. They got to our house at around 6:00. At 6:30, I had to leave for the regular Court of Honor. The rest of my family stayed home as the Eagle Court of Honor did not start until 7:30.
We had quite a few merit badges to be distributed to our Scouts and each of them had a rank advancement (or three). It was good to get all of those going. At one point, I had to get some keys to the kitchen to put some ice in there as well as I needed to go talk to a couple of people about our need of using at least one part of the Young Womens room for refreshments. Sister Lonni came in at around 7:00. She wasn't sure if the thing started at 7:00 or 7:30, so she sat through the end of the regular Court of Honor and asked me if Dee Anne would be there tonight. I assured her that there was no way Dee Anne was going to miss this. She also handed me a card to give to Travis. Inside that card she had given him some money to go toward his mission. That was really a sweet thing for her to do. She is a special lady. She had envelopes for the other two young men getting their Eagles as well.
I was able to run home before coming back and pick up my family. There was a little bit more setup to happen, and Dee Anne took care of a lot of that. Sister Lambourne also helped us out. She cut up the cakes for us, and we really appreciated that. In the meantime, there were Young Men and Young Women in the church doing their singing or dancing and other things that were to be done for the temple thing I talked about above. Meghan was one of those involved with this and she told us she would try to come in for at least part of the Eagle Court of Honor.
When we had set up for the Eagle Court, I counted chairs. There were exactly 100 chairs in the room, and then we had to go and get about 15 more chairs. But, just like always, there were a few scattered chairs that didn't have anybody in them. We probably had 100 people there though.
It all started at 7:30. My parents barely got there on time, and then a lot of my family ended up coming about 5 - 15 minutes late. We ended up having Zach and Melanie there as well as Pam and Dee Anne's parents. My parents were there, and my little sister came in with a few of her kids. Glen also came with all of his kids. Larry and Scott were also able to make it. It was pretty good representation of the family.
The program started with Ken Wood who gave a talk and talked a little bit about each of the three boys. He did quite a good job. The bishop got to stand up and give a few words (of course his son was one of the ones getting the Eagle in this case) and then there was a video presentation. We had selected 60 photos previous to this and gotten them to Glen Thorne so he could get the presentation going. He had done an excellent job. This made for about 5 minutes for each boy of video presentation. Meghan and Travis were a bit embarrassed by one of the pictures we had chosen of Travis changing her diaper. People seemed to enjoy seeing that though. It was a very good video presentation, and Glen gave each of us our own copy. We are grateful for all that he has done toward this.
Brother Ashton said a few words and then Glen gave out the Eagle awards. We stood up with Travis briefly while he pinned us for our help, and then he got to give Bill Ashton a mentor pin. We had a second mentor pin, but weren't able to get hold of Travis' sixth grade teacher to give that one too. Maybe we can find her later. I don't know. Glen forgot to present Travis with the flag that we had bought for him that had been flown over the US Capitol. I gave that to him before we went in for refreshments.
For refreshment we had the two cakes, water, and there were some mini sweet rolls and other cookies that sister Lonnie had thoughtfully provided. She did apologize because she had broken into it and ate a couple. I thought that was kind of funny. She didn't have to do it, but she is just a sweet heart. My wife has really enjoyed her quite a bit.
After cleaning up, we left. My parents gave Travis the book, "A Marvelous work and a Wonder" and he also received some cash from Pam and from his grand parents. It was a satisfying night. But, on the same token, we are grateful it is over with. We don't have to push and prod our son anymore about his Eagle. Now we just have to help our daughter with her Personal Progress.
That's my report, and I'm sticking to it.
I went to work as normal, but left work a little bit early to make sure that things at home were pretty much taken care of. There wasn't a lot I had to do at home because my wife pretty much had things in hand. She handled everything about this Court of Honor very well. I know she wishes I would have done more, while I thought I was doing all that I really could. But, I do appreciate her and all that she does both for me as well as our two children. When Aubree is here she also does for her. I guess this is all off topic though.
I helped a bit by letting her relax while I went to pick up our daughter and the other 3 girls in the car pool. That isn't too much to ask. We were then able to kind of relax until around 4:15. My wife did go in to start putting on some makeup before that a little bit. I filled the SUV up with the items that we had chosen to take to put on the table to kind of showcase for our son. There were also the two half sheet cakes (which feed about 48 people each).
By 4:30 we went on over to the church. Julie Sanford was already there (although it looked like she just barely had gotten there) and we went in. Of course the cakes went into the refrigerator and then we went into the Relief Society room to set up. In the meantime, Rhonda came on over to help. Glen and his younger son also came. He had a lot of the things that we wanted to put up around the room.
We had been pushed into using the Relief Society room from the gym because the stake has taken it over each and every Tuesday for a couple of months while they are getting ready for the Day of Celebration over the Oquirrh Temple activities that will be taking place. Anyway, it takes precedence and we lost out to that.
We just had a little table to decorate and Dee Anne had prepared some pictures and our sons badges that he had earned so far. We also had some odds and ends. We had some music from the piano, we had a picture of him in the Marching Band, we had some cub scout belt loops. We also had a couple of items from his Eagle project. Of course scholar certificates that he has received were also displayed. The table looked pretty nice.
While Dee Anne was doing the finishing touches on all of that (a man just doesn't do finishing touches), I went out with Glen and lined the parking lot with some American flags. We wanted it to look as good as possible for all of this to take place. We were hoping that it wouldn't snow as had been predicted.
At that point, we were able to go home. We finished getting ready and waited because our kids told us that Pam, and the Grandparents were on their way over. They got to our house at around 6:00. At 6:30, I had to leave for the regular Court of Honor. The rest of my family stayed home as the Eagle Court of Honor did not start until 7:30.
We had quite a few merit badges to be distributed to our Scouts and each of them had a rank advancement (or three). It was good to get all of those going. At one point, I had to get some keys to the kitchen to put some ice in there as well as I needed to go talk to a couple of people about our need of using at least one part of the Young Womens room for refreshments. Sister Lonni came in at around 7:00. She wasn't sure if the thing started at 7:00 or 7:30, so she sat through the end of the regular Court of Honor and asked me if Dee Anne would be there tonight. I assured her that there was no way Dee Anne was going to miss this. She also handed me a card to give to Travis. Inside that card she had given him some money to go toward his mission. That was really a sweet thing for her to do. She is a special lady. She had envelopes for the other two young men getting their Eagles as well.
I was able to run home before coming back and pick up my family. There was a little bit more setup to happen, and Dee Anne took care of a lot of that. Sister Lambourne also helped us out. She cut up the cakes for us, and we really appreciated that. In the meantime, there were Young Men and Young Women in the church doing their singing or dancing and other things that were to be done for the temple thing I talked about above. Meghan was one of those involved with this and she told us she would try to come in for at least part of the Eagle Court of Honor.
When we had set up for the Eagle Court, I counted chairs. There were exactly 100 chairs in the room, and then we had to go and get about 15 more chairs. But, just like always, there were a few scattered chairs that didn't have anybody in them. We probably had 100 people there though.
It all started at 7:30. My parents barely got there on time, and then a lot of my family ended up coming about 5 - 15 minutes late. We ended up having Zach and Melanie there as well as Pam and Dee Anne's parents. My parents were there, and my little sister came in with a few of her kids. Glen also came with all of his kids. Larry and Scott were also able to make it. It was pretty good representation of the family.
The program started with Ken Wood who gave a talk and talked a little bit about each of the three boys. He did quite a good job. The bishop got to stand up and give a few words (of course his son was one of the ones getting the Eagle in this case) and then there was a video presentation. We had selected 60 photos previous to this and gotten them to Glen Thorne so he could get the presentation going. He had done an excellent job. This made for about 5 minutes for each boy of video presentation. Meghan and Travis were a bit embarrassed by one of the pictures we had chosen of Travis changing her diaper. People seemed to enjoy seeing that though. It was a very good video presentation, and Glen gave each of us our own copy. We are grateful for all that he has done toward this.
Brother Ashton said a few words and then Glen gave out the Eagle awards. We stood up with Travis briefly while he pinned us for our help, and then he got to give Bill Ashton a mentor pin. We had a second mentor pin, but weren't able to get hold of Travis' sixth grade teacher to give that one too. Maybe we can find her later. I don't know. Glen forgot to present Travis with the flag that we had bought for him that had been flown over the US Capitol. I gave that to him before we went in for refreshments.
For refreshment we had the two cakes, water, and there were some mini sweet rolls and other cookies that sister Lonnie had thoughtfully provided. She did apologize because she had broken into it and ate a couple. I thought that was kind of funny. She didn't have to do it, but she is just a sweet heart. My wife has really enjoyed her quite a bit.
After cleaning up, we left. My parents gave Travis the book, "A Marvelous work and a Wonder" and he also received some cash from Pam and from his grand parents. It was a satisfying night. But, on the same token, we are grateful it is over with. We don't have to push and prod our son anymore about his Eagle. Now we just have to help our daughter with her Personal Progress.
That's my report, and I'm sticking to it.