Monday, March 08, 2010

Not too much going on

As I put in the header, there isn't a lot going on right now. I just thought I better write something because that way I am more certain I didn't miss anything in my life. I must lead a fairly boring life though.

Last Saturday, we mostly did some chores and had to turn a girl away that was with Kirby sales. She was a pretty girl that I couldn't believe they would have out there on her own. We told her that it is hard to get Kirby sales people out of your house after you let them in. I think I kind of proved true because she was a bit hard to get off of our doorstep. She was nice enough, but she was insistent. I'll bet she makes a great sales person.

We did take a nice walk with the whole family around a part of the Daybreak lake. We really should get up there more often. I don't know about the rest of the family, but I quite enjoyed that. Other than that and the regular chores, it was a normal day.

Sunday was church and I had taken the time to make a roast. I think my wife was happy that I would take the time to do that. Brother Ball, the Gospel Doctrine teacher, gave a great lesson on marriage. He has a good sense of humor and mixes that in with his gospel teaching. He knows when to make fun of something and when not too. He is also very good at making people think about things.

Not much going on tonight either. My wife and I watched "One Mans Treasure". It was a Mormon Missionary flick. It was quite entertaining. We enjoyed it. We probably should've made the kids come watch it with us.

I need to look into going to another district meeting tomorrow night. We need to show our support and make sure things are going right with that.

Well, like I said, not much to talk about.


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