Sunday, March 14, 2010

Exercise - Zach - Family Arguments and Bipolar disorder

Well, another week has come and gone (well not quite but almost).

Last Tuesday evening I didn't go to the School Districts Board meeting, but I saw some results from it which I disagreed with. They have voted on Public comment to make it so that there can only be 45 minutes worth of total comment and people are limited to just two minutes. People in the audience must be silent and it seems to me that they really don't want to hear what we have to say. In their defense, they did at least get another room where they piped what is going on in the meeting so more people could attend.

Instead of going to that meeting, I, on the advice of my wife, went to Young Men/Young Women. There were two missionaries there who were there to give the Young Men and Young Women a mini MTC (Missionary Training Center) experience. They mostly went over how they commit somebody to do something after they teach them the principle. There was also some role playing. I have to say that I think this is a better way of running this whole thing. Last Sunday, they filled out mission papers, then this on Tuesday. Today, they were to receive their mission calls (my daughter was not there), and in the evening they were to go to their mission presidents home. Tuesday, they go out and teach. It should be interesting.

I can't think of too much that happened on Wednesday or Thursday. However, Thursday I was glad to see that a lot of what we were hoping to pass the Legislature for our district was coming to pass. Hopefully, now that there is a bill that allows us to move funds from one account to another we can pay for our teachers with a part of this and minimize how much we need to pay in taxes. We still will need to be taxed I think, but it could be less. The fight with the Legislature (for this year) is over. Now we need to make sure they District Board takes these new numbers and does the right thing. I will be watching.

I had the day off on Friday. My wife and I stayed home most of the morning and then finally went out and went to lunch. We barely got home in time to see the kids. We told them that we were going for a walk and we went with the dog up to Daybreak Lake. I made the mistake of not wearing a jacket. It was a bit cold (but not too bad). It took us about an hour (at a pretty good walking clip) to walk around the entire lake. I thought I would feel it the next day, but fortunately I was mistaken. After arriving home, we had some Lutheran youth (missionaries?) come around with a survey about beliefs and then they gave us the "right" answers. Well, I disagreed with their right answers, but didn't tell them that because they were not there to argue, but to spread the gospel as they understood it.

After talking to these two, we had to call Pam. She was going to come pick up our kids, but she had an episode where she had too much insulin in her. She had passed out. We told her that we would go ahead and drive our kids up to Bountiful a little bit later. We did this, and visited with Pam for awhile. We stayed until Anne came home and then just a few minutes more. Our kids were more than ready for us to leave.

Saturday was a day of chores for us and we watched a movie.

Today, we skipped going to church and instead headed out to my in-laws home. We had to grab a couple of things on the way there, but got there in good time. The reason our kids had spent the weekend at Pam and Anne's house was because Zach was coming in. He did come in Saturday night. We were going over to the house to meet up with them and spend time with Zach along with a dinner. While over there, Melanie had what I am going to call three episodes. We were talking a little bit about politics and a particular Republican in Utah's House of Representatives who had to resign for a mistake he made almost thirty years ago which got exacerbated in 2002 when he paid 150K to keep the woman quiet. Well, to Melanie it came down to Women Libbers and all of her problems came to the forefront (for the last 20 years). Her father told her to shut up multiple times (which didn't help at all). She was shaking with coffee in her hand. It was a nerve wracking thing. Nobody knew what to do, but I kept on hoping everybody would just calm down and let her go off. But, when you have an 84 year old man who is not going to just be quiet it just went on longer than it needed too. Pam took Zach and left for awhile. Melanie calmed down and we talked with her a bit and then all of a sudden she went off again. Pam and Zach came home just after she had gone off. There was only one more small episode and then we were done. These kind of foreshadowed the whole visit, but we did have a pretty good visit with some humor and good times.

I sure wish we knew what to do about Melanie.

Anyway, we grabbed our kids and headed home.


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