Monday, June 30, 2008


There's not too much going on right now. My son is driving the car on his own as often as possible, my daughter is out with her friends constantly, and my wife and I get to worry about our kids. What a joyous life to live, huh? My wife and I are just grateful that our kids are as well behaved as they are.

As usual, I am writing here after about a week of activity. I took the day off of work last Thursday so we could go to a wedding. Annes daughter Marie got married to a good man by the name of Scott. The wedding was held in the White Chapel, which was an early chapel for the LDS (this kind of surprised me because it isn't like the chapels we have now. Evidently, it is a chapel that was dismantled and moved across the street from the State Capitol building. It is very small, and it had a bell which was rung after the wedding had taken place. The wedding was beautiful although my son thought that the priest who did the wedding had a mean voice. She did a good job with the ceremony though, and had some excellent advice.

Of course, there were pictures and we hung around for a little bit. We did finally go with Pam and Anne to lunch at a little restaurant. The prices seemed right there, but then when we got the final bill they charged each of us a $2.00 charge for splitting the meals. We were in a hurry to leave so I didn't have time to talk to them about that. We had to go back to the Chapel and get the rest of the flowers and then head to Maries (Annes sister - not her daughter) house to pick up some cupcakes that they had made for the reception. That was in Centerville.

We were getting into rush hour traffic, so it took a little bit of time to get there. Marie was still working on the wedding cake because it had fallen the day before. It was going to be a bit late to the reception.

We were in some really bad traffic all the way to Farmington from Centerville. The reception was held at Scotts grandparents farm in Farmington. It was a beautiful property. The weather was good (but it was hot) and there were a lot of people that had to go out there. There was no formal line. The bride and groom just wandered around and talked to people. The wedding cake arrived about an hour after the reception started. Marie had done a beautiful job on that cake. We only stayed until around 8:30 because we needed to get home and take care of our dog. Pam and Anne were there until around midnight cleaning up after everybody left.

On Saturday, our daughter took off with her friend to goof off a bit. I asked my wife if she wanted to go out to the event at Daybreak (which is quite close to us) and see the homes out there. She really didn't want to go, and I wasn't going to go without having somebody with me. Travis said he would go with me, so we went out there. There was food in some of the houses and prize drawings in other homes. Of course, we also went over to one tent and got five free tickets to the movie Wall E. It was too hot to hang around there for too long, so we headed back home.

We went as a family to the movie Wall E, and took Melina as well. The movie wasn't that great of a movie and my wife and I were glad that we hadn't paid for it. It wasn't a terrible movie, but it really didn't have that much for us to be interested in. It seemed to be more of a statement of us trashing the earth and getting fat and lazy.

That is really all that I can think to comment on for this week. There really isn't much else. It is hot outside (about 10 degrees above average), and we need to up our watering while we are approaching the century mark on that thermometer.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Beating a Traffic Ticket

I don't remember if I wrote about it or not, but on March 27th, I was pulled over by a police officer on Redwood Road (around 10300 South). He pulled me over for speeding. He said I had been going 51 in a 35 zone. I told him that at one point I had looked at my speedometer and saw that I was over the speed limit (I couldn't tell you what speed I was going because I wasn't paying that close of attention) and had slowed down accordingly. I had thought it was around 3200 W, but he said it was closer to 2700 W. Either way, he followed me all the way to Redwood road (which is 1700 W). It is anywhere from 1 mile to 1.5 miles away from where the alleged speeding took place. He wrote the ticket for 44 in a 35 zone so it would reduce how much I had to pay.

At that time, I didn't know exactly where the ticket was for. I looked at the ticket itself and it was noted that the location was 10255 Redwood Road. It also said I was going eastbound. Of course you need to show up to the court between 5 and 14 days from the date of your ticket (or pay the fine by then) and plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest. Before I went in, I had called the court to find what times they do this. I also asked if the location on the ticket was supposed to be where you were pulled over or if it was supposed to be where the alleged offense happened. I was told it should be where the offense happened. I decided to fight it.

The time of my pleading came up, and I went into court. I plead not guilty but wondered if I should've plead guilty because the few before me did and were getting some good deals from the judge. I did try to get the case dismissed but was told that I couldn't at that time, this was just a pleading, and I had to go set up for the pretrial. This whole process to me seems crazy. At that time, I went out and waited to see when my pretrial would be. The first date came up saying June 3rd. I knew I would be in Nashville so had to wait another five minutes to get a June 10th date. Within a week, I got a letter from the court saying that the date had been moved to June 19th because of a conflict with the judges schedule. Well, that gave me plenty of time to prepare some kind of case, I guess (though I really didn't use it that much).

I kind of hated the wait because periodically I would think about it and wonder if I would be found guilty or not. I thought I had a pretty good case, but only time would tell. When I went to get insurance for my son on our cars, I worried about a ticket showing up and raising my rates even more. Of course, the cost of a ticket that is 9 miles an hour over was about $82. I thought that was way too much.

The problem is the same whether you have a long time to prepare a case or if it is a short time. It seems if you have a long time to prepare it, you procrastinate until the last minute. I didn't wait until the last minute, but it was pretty close. I called and got a discovery to see the notes that the officer had written down. They faxed that information to me on June 11th. On that, I finally found a diagram of where I was picked up. Evidently, he was behind me when he picked me up. He first estimated visually what he thought I was going and then put some kind of device up to measure my speed. There was a car in between us (which is why he claimed he didn't pull me over until he did). The alleged speeding happened clear back at 3200 West.

Before I went into court, I went to maps on google where they have a street view. I found 10300 S and Redwood Road (where the ticket was written for) and got a speed limit sign that was right there that showed it was 45 miles an hour at that point. I put those screen shots into Word and printed them out. One picture was of the road and the other I turned so they could see it was by Checker Auto Parts. I then went to GoogleEarth and grabbed a screen shot of the whole area from where I was seen speeding to the point of where I was pulled over to show them that it was over 1.5 miles. I had kind of rehearsed in my mind what to say to the judge and hoped it was enough. It still bothered me that this was only a pretrial because that means that it is totally possible that I would have to go to the courthouse one more time over this issue.

My appointed time for the pretrial was at 9:15 AM on Thursday, June 19th. I left work earlier than I had too because I thought traffic would be worse than it was. I got to the courthouse by 8:45. I was the first one there and signed in. Another guy came (the 9:00 appointment) and we sat. The prosecutor was late. We were sitting outside of the courthouse until around 9:30 when the prosecutor came in. Both I, and the other guy thought they should simply dismiss our cases on this basis alone. That probably would've happened had we missed our appointed time. Life isn't always fair though, and we still had to go through it all.

After going through the metal detector, we went into the courtroom. The other guy was called by the prosecutor to meet in a little room off to the side. I couldn't hear what was going on, but it didn't sound like it was going very well for him. I just heard bits and pieces. He came out shaking his head. That didn't bode very well for me.

My name was called by the prosecutor. I went into the little office. We chatted for just a minute and then he asked me about my speeding ticket. I pulled out my pictures and showed him that at the point of where the ticket was written for, the speed limit was 45 miles an hour which I was under. We talked a little bit about the fact that it was written on Redwood Road and at that point he was telling me that he would argue to dismiss this case and that he usually didn't do that. He was writing some things down about this and he asked me some other question which prompted me to speak out. I said it wrong though. I said, "where he caught me", at which point he dropped his pen and said, "you aren't going to make me redo this are you?. I modified my statement to say, "where he allegedly caught me", then I had him turn to the diagram of that showed where the officer was and where I was at the point that he claimed I was speeding. I pointed out that even given that the prosecution was saying at or around (for the other address) that this wasn't anywhere near there. He did say that it could've actually counted for turning onto Redwood road there. He was looking at the map I was showing him and asked, "are you telling me he followed you all that way before even trying to pull you over?" My reply was, "Yes sir". He was incredulous. He said that this was quite ridiculous. For sure, he would move that this case be dismissed.

I went back into the courtroom and he called the third person in to talk with her. I went back and talked with the other guy and he told me that although he didn't run the stop sign he was accused of running, he had made a deal with the prosecutor to pay the fine (around $80) and that no points would go on his record if he took a defensive driving course within the month. He even had his wife (or girlfriend) as a witness. They both work for FedEx. They didn't want to fight because it was just more time and he felt that they only had a 50/50 chance of winning. I showed him what I had in my case, and he wasn't aware that one could do a discovery to see all the notes of the officer. He said he would do that next time. But, he did keep it so his record would stay clean (and he probably needs that for his job).

The judge came in, and the court started. The first pleading took no time, and then it was my turn. I was called up, and the prosecutor once again said, "I don't usually do this, but..." and then proceeded on. He told the judge to turn the page to where I had him look previously and see the picture in relation to where I was pulled over. The judge did so, and shook his head and then looked at the prosecutor with an almost disgusted look. The prosecutor said that he couldn't justify taking me to court on this issue because of the distances involved and that this should not happen in this way at all. He, of course called for a dismissal. The judge looked up at me and jokingly asked if I had any objections to this. I, of course, told him "no". Case dismissed, and I'm done. I'm glad I did it. My record is still perfectly clean, and I get to move on. I spent some money instead by taking my family out to dinner to celebrate.

Friday, I was off from work, so I went and did our lawn along with all of the trimming that goes with that. We really didn't do too much though. There was some cleaning up of the house so we could have the carpet cleaner come in on Saturday. We let our son have his friend stay over night at our house as long as he would help us when we needed him too.

Carpet cleaning was done on Saturday and I moved a few things around for him as that was a little bit cheaper way of getting the carpets of the whole house cleaned. We only payed $139 for all of our upstairs to be done. After that, my wife and I went out to look at TREX for our porch. It looks like just for the materials we will be paying around $900 for a very small area. That's a lot of money, but it has to be done. I played on the WII with my son for awhile and just generally relaxed for most of the rest of the day.

The rest of this week has been mostly the same old stuff.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bigger or Better

Not too much (out of the ordinary) went on at work today. We just had a Young Men/Young Women activity that I thought was of interest, so I'm writing about it.

It was a combined activity. It was called Bigger or Better. First the Young Men and Young Women were broken up into groups of about five people per group. Each group was then given a paperclip. What they were supposed to go out and do was to go to peoples homes and trade for something that was either bigger or better. Five groups went out, and they were gone for about half an hour. One group (my sons) tried to cheat and brought a dirt bike that one of the boys got out of his garage, but since it was never meant to be traded (it couldn't be kept) it didn't count towards the better. They, of course thought they had it.

In the long run, what they came back with was, a huge TV box (that one the bigger category - in which they got a Big Cup Reeses candy), Four Book of Mormons (they thought they would win the best since it was religious, and how can you put a price on religion), a kitchen utensil set (this one the best and they each got a 100 grand bar that I had to buy for my son), a picture that was about 6 feet long and 12 inches in width of fruit, and finally some Swedish fish (this was from the group who tried to get the dirt bike to work). The bishop very carefully graded it. There was no contest as to the biggest. He said that the actual value of the Book of Mormons while they don't cost anything they are pricesless, didn't really amount to it being the best. With the dirt bike being thrown out, the best was between the picture and the kitchen utensils. Of course, as I mentioned the kitchen utensils came out on top.

Some people didn't want to trade things though. The group with the picture frame ended up with a broken down office chair as well. Anyway, the Swedish fish got eaten, the box and the office chair got thrown away, the bishop took the picture so he could use the frame to put some other type of picture (or pictures) in to hang in his office, and the kitchen utensils got taken home by one of the Young Women leaders. The book of Mormons will be given to the missionaries so they can hand them out. One thing of interest was that in one of those Book of Mormons, we found a card in there expressing a testimony that was signed by my daughters primary class (when she was in primary) and included her cousin Michelle. Anyway, there were some Popsicles for everybody when they came back (well, they ran a little bit short). It was kind of a fun activity.

Oh, BTW, had the group that did the dirt bike gone to our house, I had told my wife to give them our vacuum cleaner in the garage. That may have worked for the best. My son told me that they were sure they would have the best with the dirt bike so weren't concerned. He thought the ones with the kitchen utensils cheated because that was from one of the girls homes that was in the group. I told him the reason it didn't was because it was meant to be given away and the dirt bike wasn't. Oh well, it was a fun activity for the kids. It was also interesting to hear their stories of what they got in return for various things through this exercise.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Scout Camp - Mormon Miracle Pageant

I had the day off last Friday. In the morning, I mowed the lawn, so I could help my wife out a little bit later. Although I had the day off, I logged in to work to finish up some things that had frustrated me through the week. We had things that just weren't working correctly, and it took hours to reload the table I had to reload. I wiped out that file on Wednesday and it took until Friday to get all the information back to it along with wiping out the system because of the amount of data I was putting through. By noon on Friday that was all fixed.

Anyway, my wife needed to get out and buy a shower gift for Marie (who is getting married soon) that was from both her and her mother. I got her the list of things that were in the registry so she could at least get something that Marie would like. There was an appointment with our sons dermatology doctor, so I was to go to that. As soon as he heard that it was me that was going to be doing this, he was a bit upset. The reason he was upset was because he knew that I would be enforcing that the doctor got a blood test from him because Acutane can ruin the liver. He has gotten away with not having that test done for quite awhile. He thought his mom wouldn't have done it, but I assured him that she would, as we had discussed this. He wasn't too happy with me for that, but got through it all fine.

Our son had gone in with my wife to get his drivers license on Thursday. Since that had been done, I called the insurance on Friday and made sure he was insured. He was a bit worried that it was bad luck to be legal to drive alone on Friday the 13th. I told him that it was actually Thursday the 12th that he was legal to do so. Whatever. We now have another teenager on the roads. Hopefully he will drive as well as he has been when we are in the car with him.

I also had to run a few errands to get ready for the camping trip. I bought some pop tarts for breakfast, along with some slim-fast, and grabbed a couple of sandwiches for dinner. I also looked around for something for my father on Fathers-day. I didn't find anything for that.

At about 4:00 I headed over to Thornes house and then the church so we could go on the Scout Camp. We left by 4:30 which mostly didn't have to deal with traffic jams (we got into somewhat of one around Provo). The trip to Manti was uneventful, except the boys thought the two hour drive was too long. We pulled into a park and started to put our stuff down. We were told by a guy that if we put up a tent we would have to pay $5, but if we just slept out on the grass there was no charge. We went for the no charge feature. We had some dinner, and then I headed over to the Manti temple to get us a spot where we could watch the pageant. After everybody else got there, I went back to camp to get a jacket and a blanket because it would get cold. It was a good thing to bring, and we were still cold even with this extra stuff. The pageant was good, and the anti-Mormons were tamer than I have ever seen them. This made it all the better. We did see Joseph Smiths wives.

We went back to camp and were ready for bed by around midnight. There was a group of people (I think they were Polynesian) that sang until around 2:00 AM. It was a cold night, but with the blanket that I had, I would get hot and then get cold when I opened things up a bit. I did get up at 6:00 AM and wandered around a bit before the rest of the troop got up. We had breakfast and then let the boys play for awhile before heading home.

We told them to bring small things that they could take back packing with them. They all did pretty good with what they brought. It was a good easy trip. Andrew told me he had to throw up so I let him out of the car for a bit hoping that he could do it out there. Thankfully, nothing happened in the car, and they say he only dry heaved a bit.

After arriving home, I found that a pest control guy was at our house. Hopefully, the stuff he's sprayed around doesn't get rid of our kids. Anyway, we got that taken care of and then my wife and daughter headed out to the shower. I grabbed our son and took him to RC Willey for a hot dog. I wanted to talk with him.

While at RC Willey, I talked to him about his gay Aunt. Unfortunately, Zach had already told him this a couple of weeks before I did. That was part of the reason my wife and I decided that we had better tell our kids. I find it much more prejudice to have to introduce somebody as gay as we never do that with somebody who is straight than to not say anything at all. I don't want my kids to judge people by whether or not they are gay or straight. I am ticked off at Zach for telling my kids about this, and making us feel like we had to say anything. We were more than willing to answer any questions from our kids, but this was just ridiculous. I may have to talk with Zach and tell him not to do this anymore. As it sits, my kids are a bit frustrated with Zach. He is driving them a little bit nuts because all he talks about is his education.

Well, we had a good time together and then headed back home. We still didn't find a fathers day gift.

After my wife came home, I told her that I had utterly failed to get a fathers day gift including my idea to get him some card stock that is prefolded in quarters for my dad. He doesn't like the half fold, but that is all anybody has. I still didn't really know what it was that I would be getting him. Later that night, I went and got him some chocolate covered nuts and a chex mix, that we put into containers. He would enjoy that as much as anything else. My wife was upset with me because I put off getting his gift until the last minute, and it seems like I always run into this same problem (the quarter fold problem) every time I decide to get him that.

Yesterday was fathers day. I had to give a lesson. I barely had time to look it over before the class. It was on tithing (as that is what the boys chose for me to teach about). I then went in to my wifes class with the disabled kids. Not much was going on in there. Spencer left at one point and I followed him around. He wanted to be in with the music that was playing on the organ, so we wandered in the chapel since no church services were going on and Sister Morden was practicing. He only ruined one hymn book and it wasn't badly ruined.

Once home, I was given some clothes for Fathers day as well as a couple of cards. We then had a bite to eat and then took naps (all except our son). We finally headed out around 3:00 for my parents. We dropped in on the in-laws in order to drop our dog off. They thought that we had the message of starting dinner at 3:00 and we hadn't. We went to my parents until around 5:00 in the evening when we went back to the in-laws.

We gave some money toward a new barbecue grill for my father-in-law. It looked like a great grill and we got some great food out of it. We then just hung out for a bit. Our kids walked from the in-laws over to my parents house so they could be with their cousins. We picked them up from there a little bit later. It was a good day.

Nothing much happened today, so I'll quit writing for now.

Monday, June 09, 2008


As usual, it's been awhile since I wrote anything here. My main excuse is that I was out of town. That's not a good excuse, but it is an excuse.

Late last week, I started to prepare for a business trip to Nashville Tennessee. I had asked my wife if she wanted to come and she did. I got our plane tickets quite awhile ago and then I had to make sure to get a rental car in my name for the road. Nashville, here we come.

Sunday morning, we had to get up early. My wife had to get up a lot earlier than I did because she has so much more to prepare than I do. All of our bags were packed and we were ready to go. We were leaving the kids home for all day Sunday and Monday morning after our daughter went to school she was to stay with her friend across the street. It turns out that she left my son Sunday night asking him if that was OK. My son said that the only mistake he made was watching "I am legend" which scared him for the evening (serves him right).

Anyway, we caught the plane to Atlanta and had a nice flight. We were able to watch TV on the flight and see where the plane was whenever we wanted. This made the flight seem to go quicker. We had a two hour lay over in Atlanta so went to a TGI Fridays for lunch. The water there tasted quite bad. The flight from there to Nashville wasn't good. We sat on the tarmac for around 30 minutes waiting in line to take off. I don't think the flight was even that long.

After getting our luggage and car, we headed out to the Gaylord Opryland Resort. This was a beautiful and huge place. The gardens were beautiful and we found that it was really easy to get lost in this place. It was interesting to watch newcomers after we had been there who were completely lost. Ten acres of gardens all indoors is a lot and the more we wandered around there the more we found. Our room was one with two queen beds which we found to be refreshing. We could be in the same bed for intimate moments, but then separate for sleep (especially with my c-pap machine. We went to a dinner at Shoneys and then came back and wandered the gardens.

Monday morning was the first real morning of the conference for me. It was a conference put on by IBI. Breakfast was first thing and then the opening of the whole thing started. They started out by putting a Minnie Pearl wannabe (and she has a far way to go) onto the stage. She sounded more like Dolly Parton. There was then some country music with dancers coming down all the aisles. Then there were the cloggers. After that, there was some of the advertising about how great the IBI products are. Thank goodness they had a break before they had a bunch of guys get up and discuss whatever came to their minds about the product. I went to my room during that time because I could sleep better there than in the conference room. Of course, I got back in time for classes, and went to the classes until 5:00.

My wife played for most of the day. She did some swimming and just kind of enjoyed the day. When I got there, she told me that we probably shouldn't go to the Wildhorse Saloon because John McCain (the Republican presidential candidate) was in Nashville and she wasn't sure she wanted to fight with crowds while there. Instead we went in with Paul, Mogie and their wives to go to the Old Hickory (a restaurant in the resort) for the most expensive dinner w have ever had. We were able to write off our own portions to work so each of us shared with our wives. We had Filet Mignon for $42 and then a salad that cost another $10, then Asparagus in Hollandaise sauce for another $12 and finally a souffle' that I have no idea how much it was. All we know is that once the tip was added in, it was about $100 each. Mogie took care of the bill, and we had a good time just visiting. We stayed there for quite awhile. Once we left there, we wandered around the gardens together, and then went to our respective rooms. It was a good evening.

Tuesday was more of the same as far as the conference went. I had some good classes and then left just a little bit early to be with my wife and get to the Grand Ole Opry. My wife had spent the day swimming and shopping with Kami (Pauls wife). I wanted to show my wife where I wanted to take some pictures of the hotel from and then we decided that we should head over to the Opry (it was within walking distance) early. Luke Bryan was playing outside of the place and we really enjoyed what we were hearing there (although neither of us knew him). We went in at around 6:45 for the 7:00 show (my co-workers were going to go to the 9:30 show). The whole thing started out with some old country music, and I found it to be more enjoyable than I thought it would be. At 8:00, Carrie Underwood (a current star who started her career on American Idle) came out, and the house went wild. A guy sitting next to us was in Carries fan club. I don't think I have ever seen such a starry eyed guy when somebody comes out.

I left my wife while I tried to get some pictures with my camera. They didn't seem to be coming out very well. I decided to ask my co-workers if they could get some good pictures. I probably spent too long a time away from my wife in trying to get those pictures, so I did go back. Anyway, we got the Oakridge Boys and Gentry. The last half of the show was phenomenal. We also had Luke Bryan in the last half. Once again, a nice evening with my wife.

Wednesday was more of the same, but by the time the work day was winding down people were getting tired of the sessions. I had the best session as my last session to go to. I completely skipped Thursday morning because it was either repeats or sessions that really weren't worth the time.

Wednesday Evening, all of us from IT got together with our wives and boarded the General Jackson Showboat. This consisted of Jana (her brother and sister), Mogie, Paul, Darrin (and their wives) and us. We just had the buffet that was outside and had an enjoyable three hour cruise. We stayed together for awhile but then my wife and I enjoyed being on the top deck listening to the band and watching a bunch of women (passengers) dance to the music. At one point, they said that since they were dancing they could choose the next song. When the suggested "Girls just wanna have fun" they were told that's a girl song and we have hairy legs. Then they told about somebody on another cruise that asked for a girl song with $100 so they sang that song. They then chose to sing the song and anywhere that it got weird he would pause and make a face and then sing the weird part. Well, the next thing you know the girls came up with a bill. He said that they now had $100 so they would sing the song. After singing the song he pulled the bill from his pocket and said, "Hey this bill is missing a couple of zeros", and handed it to the drum player who actually sang the song. Anyway, it was kind of fun.

We got back late, but had a fun time.

Thursday, I skipped all the classes, and we headed over to the mall to just take life easy. My wife got a nice massage, and we went to the Aquarium for lunch. The Aquarium has huge tanks with small sharks, stingrays, and a guitar fish (about 6 feet) as well as some other fish that swim while you eat. It was kind of fun to be there.

After getting some shoes for my wife, we went to the Grand Ole Opry so we could go through the museum there. That was really quite fun and we learned a few things. Quite a bit later, we went and had dinner and then wandered around the gardens (where we ran into most of our group).

Friday, we had to check out of the hotel. We did that, and then went to the Parthenon with Paul and his wife. We had a tour guide talk to us for quite awhile about some Greek mythology and had an educational and fun time there. We then headed to Chilies and had lunch. Paul and Kami left us at that time to get to the airport. My wife and I went toward the airport and went out for a milkshake and to grab a couple of things to eat on our way home.

The trip home was absolutely horrible. Our plane was delayed in Nashville for a half hour because of a check engine light. They were thinking about putting us on a different flight through Atlanta, but cleared it up in time to get us to Cincinnati. We thought we had to hurry over to our concourse because originally we only had 45 minutes as a layover. We ran there and were told that the plane had been delayed because of pilots coming into Cincinnati. I'm not sure what that is all about, but we sat there for another 45 minutes. Finally we got on the plane where we just sat there. The plane stayed by the gate for about 10 minutes and then went out to the tarmac where we sat for another 45 minutes. There was a high whining sound the whole time we were sitting there, and it wore on our nerves. Finally, we were told they were taking off and had to reroute since there were weather problems in the midwest (it was tornadoes and such). There was an inflight movie, but the monitor in front of us didn't have good contrast so you really couldn't see, and because the plane was old it made a lot of noise and the headphone speakers would not go up high enough to drown that out. It was a long flight. After picking up our luggage at midnight, we headed out to catch the shuttle to our car. Three shuttles passed us up because they were too full, and another one was going to the garage. We finally got on a shuttle and ran into some of the guys from work that had come home on a different flight and airline. They had left after us and had a two hour layover and still got there at the same time we were there. Anyway, we arrived home around 1:30.

Overall, the trip was great. My wife and I really enjoyed it.

Nothing much happened in these last couple of days, so I'll spare you the details.